Chapter 4

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Heyy :) Its the next one ^_^


"Annyeonghaseyo.. Yoona Imnida .Park Yoona.." A beautiful girl who is standing in front of my parents introduced herself . I cant help but to fall in love with her instantly ..  My parents invite her in but she doesnt even care about my presnece . Every girls want me but her ? Wow .. I like that.. I saw her smile while talking to my parents . That smile is the best smile i've ever seen !! I will always cherish that smile in my heart .


When i see her smile i cant help myself but to smile .. I her smiles . After she left for Singapore for 3 months i really miss her . I think she doesnt recignize me . If not for EXO , she wont even know me .

Theres a long silence and we didnt care cause we are already dismissed .

Thats when she decide to break the silence .

"Uhh .. So where are you going now ?" she asked .

"Me ? Im gonna meet up with my members ! Wanna follow ?" I say as polite as i can .


Woah .. Whats with the politeness . Just now he was like a mad person now he turned into an angel ? Woah ..

But ... Meeting EXO is not a problem ! *V*

"EXO?! Sure !! I really love you guys !" She say.

"T-thanks . Heh" He smirked .

Omg .. You blew me away duuude .. O.O I think my cheeks is a tomato now ..


Im with D.O shopping for groceries. Well .. Its because Kai is coming and he brought a girl with her . So D.O is cooking them something.

"Hyung. Otteoke ? " He asked me .

"What Otteoke? I asked him back ."Did you forgot your money?"

"No hyung... Kai .. He is bringing a girl and i cant believe that." He said.

"Lol. Yeah .. You Kyungsoo . Done ?" He nodded .

After the payment , we walked back to our dorm which is not far from here . When suddenly ..

"GASP!!!!" D.O gasp.

What did they saw ?? Or who ?? Did something happened ? Haha. Found out more in the next chapter then . Byebye.
Cant believe Baekhyun has a POV too :) Who should it be next ? Found out more ^_^

* Thanks @exokai__ for realising the mistake . Wattpad has an error on that tyme if im not wrong , but thank you !! ❤❤

In love with a jerk , but misses you...(Exo Kai Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now