Chapter 18

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A/n:Updatee ^-^




(A/n:This is what Kai told Baekhyun.Not to confuse you)


Im glad that i get to be a boyfriend to my beloved one and only girlfriend Sheila . She is a very pretty , kind , active and fun girl to be with until something unacceptable thing happened to me on the day of my OWN BIRTHDAY.

- 14 January -

"Yah, Are you sure she is coming to your birthday?" Baekhyun hyung asked.

"Yeah,Of course she will.She keeps her promise every time."

"I feel weird today ..."He said again.

*ding dong*

"Yes!She is here"I said while running to the door.


"Oppa!!!! Happy birthday !"Sheila shouted happily.

I actually don't really like Sheila a lot . She is not what Kai thinks of . That kind , fun and active kind of girl. She is more like a freaking SLUT to me .But whenever i said that to Kai , he said that is just a rumor , Sheila is not like that , She is kind and blah blah blah . -_- I think he doesn't have taste in girls at all.

After singing of birthday songs , cutting of cake , present time ! Me and our group sang 'Miracles in December' that me , d.o and chen sang .

"Babe , what did you got me ?" Kai asked Sheila.

"Ah ! Oppa , here ."She gave him a myterious card.


A card? Fancy .. Thinking that it is a good one . I opened it with an excited heart. I read it . It says:

"You are invited to Jung Sheila and Park Jungyoo's Wedding. Date:27 January.


Place:Community centre near the Amusement Park in Seoul.

Hope you can come !!"

Before i even knew it , my tears are rolling down . Words cannot come out from the mouth of mine . I couldnt even say anything when Baekhyun hyung snatched the card , wait i mean "INVITATION CARD" from me.


What the hell?! She is getting married to our classmate?!See?! Didnt i say that i feel weird??Goddamnit , i swear to god that my instinct are correct. I fucking hate this girl to the MAX .

"WHAT IN THE WORLD DO YOU MEAN BY THIS?"I said half shouting.

"Cant you read there? Im getting married. Hey Kai , it was fun using you . You are so NAIVE.Im kind? Thank you , Pretty? I am . Hah , You dont even realise that im this type of girl when you already are my so called boyfriend or maybe fake boyfriend have been with me for 3 weeks? Thats long okay?"She said.

"I trusted you...How can you do this when i really love you."Kai said.

"Hah!Love? I dont even love you one bit . AT ALL."She said.


"Tch . I didnt want to come in the first place.But i want to invite you all to my wedding .Make sure you come ."She said.


A/n:Hey ! the next chapter is on that slut's marriage , will the marriage be successfull? or not when Kai and his group came to her wedding? I guess......You have to wait for the nest chapter then ! :)

In love with a jerk , but misses you...(Exo Kai Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now