Chapter 8

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Its been a long tyme and i has new updates cmg .. Oh im gonna change the converstaion to bold words , so its not confusing .. Next week is PSLE marking and im really scared !! Wish i could pass... Heres ur next chap! ~_KyungIn_


Sehun's POV

What ?! Yoona Noona is in our school clinic ?? What happened to her ? Why is she in there ? Is she sick ? Did Kai hit her ? Did she injure herself ? Many questions went through my mind and Chanyeol Hyung pulled me with him to the clinic . I looked at him and see his face full of worry . Who doesnt worry when his sister is in a clinic or hospital ? As soon as we arrive , Chanyeol hyung ask the nurse which room is Yoona noona in . But as i looked to my right , i saw Kai walking back and forth with his hand folded . I pat chanyeol hyung's shoulder .

"Hyung , Kai is there ..." I said .

Chanyeol hyung looked to where i pointed and quickly ran there .

"Kai-yah .. Where is Yoona ?" Chanyeol hyung said with teary eyed .

"Hyung , calm down .. Shes in there .. But we cant visit her just yet." Kai replied ..

"But, what happened to her ?" Chanyeol hyung asked again.

"She was beaten up by TaeTiSeo." Kai replied .

Chanyeol hyung just let out a deep sigh .. And said "Lets let her sleep at our dorm.."

"WHAT?!" Me and Kai shouted in unison .

Chanyeol said he really wants to take care Yoona Noona while she is in a sick condition ..

Kai just nodded since he cant fight back his hyung's talking .

-Next Day-


Yoona was discharged early because Chanyeol wants to take care of her . Kai is having a regret feeling of not talking to her and got her into that brutal beatings . Today , he wanted to show how much he loves her by telling Chanyeol his love for Yoona and do anything for Yoona to recover .

Hey ! That was chapter 8 . Thanks for reading . Support and follow me for more stories on Exo . Oh ! Comment the member you want for the next fanfic and i will do it with your name in it . I promise . In fact i will

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