Chapter 28♥

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A/n:Update ♥

There was an intense silence between us waiting for the doctor. Then , he came out.

"Looks like you two has come for Mr Kim Jongin?"

"Yes" -us

"What happen to him? Is he alright ?"-Oppa

"We have ummm...Bad news."

"O-Only Bad news? No good ones?" -me

"No , im sorry."

"Well , then , please tell us , whats the bad news." I said with a scared heart.

//i wonder , what happened to Kai?//







We are at our dance studio playing as a whole.

"HYUNG! WANNA JOIN?" -sehunn

"What are you guys playing?"

"Truth or Dare."

"Mmm..Yeah Sure."

First it landed in Chen.


"Do you have a crush on anyone?"-Baeks

"Ah , Mwoya....Isseo."

"Mwo!? Nugu? Nugu?"-Suho

"Ahh , andwae..Shineunde."

"You have to! Come on , spill it out"-Me

"Arraseo , Yesun , my classmate."

"Lee Yesun!? Shes pretty i acknowledge that. Hahaha! Nice one bro. Now , Chen turn the bottle." -baeks

It then landed on.........Baekhyun!


"Prank call your old friend."

"Hahh! Okay."


B:[girl voice] yeoboseyoooo?


B:Oppa , i miss you .

Caller:Im sorry i think you've got the wrong number.

B:Aniyo , Jungsoo oppa!

J:How you know my name?

B:yah ! Im Baekhyun! Hahaha. I was dared to prank call on someone. So yeah.

J:Ah jinjja!! You scared the shit out of me.

B:Mian. Arraseo Kkeutnah.

J:Nae, annyeong.


"Now , lets turn it !" -Baek.

It landed ... on Me..

"Umh. Dare!"

"Call Kyungsoo and see what he is doing."



K:You guys , should come down to the hospital.
C:Wae? Did something happened to Yoona!?
K:Ani...Not Yoona , but Kai , you guys , just come here already. We have a really bad news.
C:Ani , could you tell me what happened?
K:I could if theres time . What i can only say now , Sheila is in jail and Kai .. Just come. Bye.


"So , how?" -Sehun

"They're at the hospital."

"Why?? Is it Yoona?" -Lay


"What happened to him!!!?" -Suho

"They wont tell me , they asked us to come there."

"Yeah , we should . Xiu hyung , lets go"

"Huh? What?" -Xiumin.

"Lets go to the hospital , Kai is there."


//what happened to him? Why is Sheila in jail? Whatt??//

"Did he tell you anything else?"-Baeks

"Mm , they did. They said , Sheila is in jail."

"Sheila!? Jail? That means this has something to do with her." -Xiumin

"I guess."

"We're heree..."-Sehun

I quickly rush out from the van and run through the crowd and enter the hospital.

"Kim Jongin?"

"Over there , turn right and straight"

"Thank you."

I saw the others rushed in and ran after me .





"O-Oppa , Kai...Kai he..."

"Kyungsoo-ah , What happened to Kai?" -Xiumin

"Kai , he........"
a/n:Nyahhaha! Cliff hanger. 2 more chap , i dont want to make it short. So i made
CLIFFHANGER! Thanks for all the 15K reads. I really appreciate it Exo-Ls. I have sch tdy at 6 so bye! Imma sleep!! Eventhough its 5:39am. Yeah. Cause i ate breakfast for my fasting >_<

>>So what do you think happened to Kai? Find out in the next chapter.

In love with a jerk , but misses you...(Exo Kai Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now