Chapter 19 -Marriage.Ruined or not ?

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27 January.

Omg , i cant believe that this day has arrived ! Im actually gonna be married to my love~ Hah , all this while i've been playing with that guy's feeling. Hahha . He didnt even believe it at all? So naaaaaiveee~ Present him the invitation card was an awesome idea doesn't it ? My thoughts were all ruined by Nisha , my underhand .

Nisha:Unnie! You look dashing in that ! Congratulations . Hope this marriage go off smoothly .

-Thank you Nisha. I hope so too.

Nisha:Im sure it will.

-Im nervous ...

Nisha:Dont be , wheres the Sheila that is brave i know?




Finally this day has come ! Im gonna marry Sheila. My soon-to-be-wife . I heard a knock on the door while i was preparing myself.

-Come in.

I saw Jongin on the door.

Jongin:Hey bro.

-hey.Sorry i was not honest.

Jongin:Nah , its okay.I've got something to tell you. He then whispers to my ear.

-No , thats not true. My Sheila is pure . She is kind .

Jongin:Still dont believe me ?

I shook my head. Jongin then took out his phone and showed me a video. It was a couple kissing each other . The cameramen then zoom into the girl's face. I look closely to her face and realise that it was true. The girl there is Sheila. My heart shattered to million pieces upon watching that.

My father came in , Jongin took back his phone and put it back into his back pocket. He smile at me and i smiled back to thank him.

Dad:Son, come on. Its time !

-Yes dad.


Priest:Do you , Jung Sheila , take Park Jungyoo as your lawfully wedded husband?

Sheila:I do.

Priest:Do you , Park Jungyoo , take Jung Sheila as you lawfully wedded wife?

I look to Sheila then to Jongin and his group and answered,

-I.....I dont.

Sheila:WHAT!?How can you do this to me ?

-Sheila , i would want to marry you if you dont go out with other boys , Like Jongin and all.. And you also gave him our invitation card as a birthday present? Thats rude okay? I thought you were a pure lady with pure behaviour , but i was wrong. I was ! Wrong... Now that i know the real you , Jung Sheila , i hate you.

Sheila:What? N-no! Im pure! I am.

Suddenly the slide came down and the video which Kai showed me was visualised on the slide. Everyone gasped.

-See?Im not lying. You are not pure Jung Sheila. I trusted you . I bought for you everything you wanted. So i guess you love me for my money rather than who i am don't you?


Baeks:I did. I was walking with Sehun in the mall and spotted you with another guy kissing in public . So i guess i showed it to your soon-to-be husband right? Now that i already fufilled my wish , i can happily delete it or keep it for your other soon to be husbands . Be ready Jung Sheila. I dont want others to be influence into the sweet crap of yours.


-go ahead. You will face yourself in Jail then?

Sheila:You too Jungyoo?! Ugh . Fuck you and you too EXO.

And with then she stormed out of the place angrily.

//end of flashback//
A/n:How was it ? Im currently in the hospital , waiting for my grandpa who is in the recovery room after his operation. Im glad everything went on smoothly .

In love with a jerk , but misses you...(Exo Kai Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now