Chapter 20-Trying to get back with Kai.

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A/n:Thanks for all the support ❤


Recently , i got an info from my friend who is a nurse and suprisingly, a nurse for Kai !


I got a call from Nadia.

Nad:The one who ruin your marriage with Jungyoo oppa , is it , Kim Jongin ?
~Yeah , why did you bring up that bastard's name ?
Nad:Im treating him.He has amnesia.
~Amnesia?So he cant remember anything?
Nad:No , but he say to his friends that he remembers his group, EXO and Sheila . So he remembers you but not what you did to him . His friends tried to tell him that you are not a nice girl to be with , but he doesn't believe.
~Ah , really ? Other then EXO , did anyone else there?
Nad:Ah yes , a girl , Park Yoona...? Yes , Park Yoona , known to be his girlfriend , but he doesnt remember her , he cant.She is also a sister to a member from Exo.
~Park Yoona , must be Chanyeol then . Makes things easier. If theres no one there tell me , i'll be there.
Nad:They just left , you can come if you want . Kai is asleep.
~Oh yes , i'll be there . Im hanging up , thanks and bye . *hangs up*

I can now get my revenge . Hahahaa.

//end of flashback//

Luckily , i just came back from the mall and im still using my clothes to the mall. So i only touch up my makeup and grab a hoodie . I went to my car and zoom my way to the hospital.


I asked the reception for Kai's room number and they told me , room 408 level 4. I thanked them and ready myself for another act of love for Kim Jongin. Upon reaching his room , i saw Nadia in the room refilling the water in the tube.I entered the room and saw Kai asleep there on the bed.

Nad:Oh?! Unnie , you arrived.
-of course.

Nad:You want him to be awake ? Just call him okay? Need anything just find me or call me okay?
-Mhm.Go now.

Nad:Nae...*leaves the room*


Kai:Mmm?Oh?! Sheila , you came , i miss you..
-Awh , i miss you too.. You remember me ?

Kai:Of course i do , i still love you . -Ew , Love? Dream on Kai-

We converse with each other lovingly when he asked if i wanted to be his girlfriend again.I accepted. Sweet , now i can have my revenge to his girlfriend , Park Yoona silently . Hope he wont retrieve his memories back fast.I sat there smiling.


We were walking to the car and i was searching for my phone.

D.O:Yoona-ah , what are you looking for ?
-Nae? Oh my phone , its not in here . Maybe i left it in the room . I go get it for a while , please wait for a while.

Baeks:Ah nae . Arraseo! We will wait for our donsaeng.
-Komawoyeo Oppa-deul.

Tao:Arraseo , palli , cut all this drama and go get your phone Yoona.
-Haha , Nae .

Chanyeol:Ah ! Yoona-ah , take my phone first , so if anything happened to Kai , contact any of us.
-Nae oppa!

Taking oppa's phone along with me , i went up to level 4 to retrieve my phone. But , when i arrived , i heard laughters in the room. I look through the glass , there is a woman facing the glass. Luckily , the glass can only be seen through from outside and not inside. So , i took out Oppa's phone and snap pics of them. Then i called a nurse. Since i cant find Kai's nurse anywhere.

Nurse:Yes?May i help you?
-When the visitor in there left , could you kindly , please keep my phone with you ? I would appreaciate it . Tomorrow i will get it back . Thank you !

Nurse:It will be my pleasure ma'am. I will keep it for you. Your welcome ma'am.

Walking back to the van was tough , my eyes were already watery and before i even know it , my tears were streaming down my rosy pink cheeks. Who is that girl? I wanna know. I thought of it while crying. I wonder what my oppas will think of ? Hais..
A/n:Hehe ! Another update is up! Thank you for all your support !! I really appreciate it . This chapter is very long because i dont want to make a cliffhanger :) haha . Thank you for all those supports ❤ Support more ❤
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