Chapter 14

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Sorry guys . I accidentally deleted the chapter before uploading-_- i was annoyed . So i was lazy to re write .. So lets do it :)

Can you even believe that? Shr actually accepted my heart ! But im guilty not tell her of my condition before asking her to be officially mine .. I dont know how. Maybe she'll know one day when it happens in front of her .. Im sorry Yoona-ah .. T.T


"Are u awake , babe?"

"Mm..Did u sleep well?"

"Yes , i did . What are you thinking?"

"Nothing in particular.Im hungry. Want to eat out?"

D.O came in .

"Are you two lovebirds awake already? Breakfast is served . Palli wa .(faster come)"

"Arraseo D.O umma."she said . How cute ..

"Ya , im not ur umma . Ugh. Whatever . Faster bathe and come eat . The others are waiting"

"Mmhm.." she replied.

And with that , he went away.

"Looks like we have to eat at home then? Haha . On time . Im gonna go wash up . You too ."

"With you?" *smirks*

"You-what!? You pervertic guy"

"Your boyfriend ."

"I didnt recall having a boyfriend like this . I recall having an angel-like boyfriend."

"Alright,Alright.Go wash up."

"Hehe . Arraseo Oppa."

Too cute *-* Okok , i should also go and wash up . I actually thought of bringing her out . But d.o spoiled the moment . •_• anyways theres always another day.


Haha what a cute boyfriend right? I wonder what he is think just now ?? Hmm.. Anyways , this cold shower is awesome . So refreshing !! ^-^ D.O oppa has cooked ! Im hungry . I quickly finish off my shower and wear my clothes . A t-shirt and a matching short jeans . Daily makeup and im done ! Seems like im recovering :)


"Oh , ure here? Come sit.",

"Naee ..."

"Where is Kai ? He hasnt came down?"

"Go check up to his room?"

"Ah , nae.."

What happened to him? Is he sleeping ? Gosh this guy...

I went to his room and knocked on the door .

"Oppa ?? Kai oppa? Babe..? Open the door .. Are you there? Food is ready , lets eat.."

I heard things fell and a loud thud. I was so shocked and i opened the door not caring anything . He is my boyfriend anyways. My eyes widen .

"KAI OPPA!! Guys !! Come quickly !!! Oppa , wake up... Wake upp!!!!! Open your eyes. Dont play around !! OPEN! "I cried on top of my voice . Not caring the boys that are still here.

"Yoona-ah , calm down .. Lets bring him to the hospital quick! Chanyeol ah , get the car ready . Sehun , help hyung with Kai ." D.O said. He is truly the mom.

"Arraseo"chanyeol and sehun said at the same time.


I kept hold of his icy cold hand.. God please save him...

"Sorry ma'am , you cant come in."

One of the nurse hold me back no to go in the operation room . Why is he in there . Why are all of their faces pale ? WHAT ON EARTH IS HAPPENING TO MY KAI?

"Guys , Spill it . What is happening to him? What makes him like that? Oh My God ! TELL ME WILL YOU!? He is my freaking boyfriend . Tell me !"

"You-you're his girlfriend? How?"

"He propose to me yesterday. Wait , shouldnt u answer me first!?"

"Kai....He has...."

A/n: What is it? Next chap! Enjoy ! P.S: listen to Love me right by Exo . They are awesome! (In media)

I guess i will be updating my other story too?

In love with a jerk , but misses you...(Exo Kai Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now