Chapter 25♥

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A/n: The number of readers is gradually increasing . 14.3K now . Ty !


//this bitch is so gonna get it from me if she dont treat him properly//

My mind had been saying that for like 100 times and i mean it . I look at the watch and its only 8:38am . I couldnt sleep anymore . So i get out of bed , wash up and walk out of room after putting on some clothes. When i walk pass my room , i heard sounds in there. I just ignore it and went to the kitchen to feed myself. Suddenly i feel a pair of hands on my waist.

"What are you doing early in the morning babe ?"

"Ah Oppa ! You scared me.. Cant you see , im making coffee ."

"Yoona ah , can i ask you something?"


"Could you be my real girlfriend ? Eventhough you and Kai is not officially break off already . Can you please give me a chance ? I want to feel  how Kai feel when he loves you."

"Awh , Oppa . Of course oppa , imma make that bitch jealous of us ."

"Thats my girl , can you do a coffee for me too?"

"Aigoo Oppa ! So Lazy , fine .. Go wash up now !"

"Arraseo Jagiya." He peck my cheeks.

//he is cute..//

[few minutes]

//mwoya..Where is Oppa . He is taking a long time...Maybe i should go to his room. I mean our room now.//,

"Oppa~ what are you doing?"


I shouted my i saw him lying on the bed asleep. Aish .

"Huh? Haish , Arraseo."

This Oppa , so lazy in the morning and hardworking at afternoon . Shouldnt supposed to be the opposite or something? -_- Luckily im his girlfriend now , if not , my leg will come flying to his butt. I cleaned up the mattress that he used to sleep and i cleaned up the bed . I went out of room since he wants to change when i heard a ring and people talking in the room of mine where that bitch is sleeping.

[Conversation in room] 

-hello? Yeah , Jung Sheila here. I want to ask you a favor  . Yeah. Im currently at Exo's house . No. Not Dorm , house. Their personal house . Yes Yes . I want to make a drink to make someone unconcious for a few weeks . Could that be possible?  Who you ask? Its for Kai . Kim Jongin , he is currently having amnesia and i dont want him to recall all his memories. So i want to make him unconcious and harass that bitch of his. //woah woah , she just call me a bitch . And wtf is she trying to do!?// Yes , thank you. -

I quickly make my way to the kitchen and act like nothing happened.

"Oh ? You're awake woman?" -her

"Yeah , I am . What you gonna do about it ?"

"Nah , i wont . Im tired to fight with a useless bitch."

"Woah , gurl , mind that tounge of-"

I was cutted off when her phone ring ugh.

"Yeah ? You're there already? Yeah . Okay ."

//yeah , her planned has started. Ugh i have to tell D.O Oppa.//
A/n:Oh no .. THIS WOMAN. Ok stop stop. Did you enjoy? Hehe . ^-^

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