Chapter 6

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Hey ! Next week i wont be able update . Because of PSLE. T.T ..Oh well since we are here lets update !


Me and Lay was playing the guitar . While chen is chasing Sehun . How childish .. Baekhyun and D.O were out for groceries because our maknae Kai .. Is bringing a girl here !!  How exciting !! Suho approached me .

"Yah . Whats with the excited face ?" He asks me .

"Hyung. You dont know ?" He shakes his head . "Uri Maknae . Kai is bringing a girl !"

"Wait what ?" he replied. "How come no one tell me ?" Tsk tsk tsk ..

*"ANNYEONG!!!"* Someone shouted . It sounded like Kai tho . I looked up and saw ...... KAI!! And the girl , i look behind him and saw Yoona . Okay ..

WAIT WHAT YOONA ?! MY SISTER ?! I double checked and im sure its her . My mouth hanged open for a while when Lay shuts it for me .

I never get to say a word when my hyungs approached her and introduce themselves .

"You know me ?" I say . "Haha..Of course Chanyeol oppa" she replied.

Everyone was looking at me with the What? Face .

"Did you remember that i say i have a sister ?" She is the one" ..

"WHAT?!" Luhan and Xiumin shouted at the same time. Aish this Xiuhan.

"Haha yeaaah  .. She is ! Right Yoona ?" Yes i am..Park Yoona imnida".

Im still in disbelief .. So if i want to be her boyfriend , Chanyeol hyung will get angry . I'd better stay away from her.. Said Kai to himself sadly..


So from that day onwards , Kai did not even talked to Yoona . Yoona was confused why he did so .. One day , she approached him .

(No one)

"Kai-yah .. Whats with you ? You have been ignoring me since the day we met EXO . Whats wrong?" She asked him .

Kai just gave her a cold shoulder and walk off .. Yoona was left behind being confused  .

"Tsk.Tsk.Tsk..." A voice was heard from behind of Yoona .

Wonder who is it ?? Find out in the next chapter . Sorry if its short . Today was actually my PSLE's Listening compre .. Haish . Tough day for me... Anyways , Like the chap ? Sorry if its boring ^_^

In love with a jerk , but misses you...(Exo Kai Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now