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He stood there watching two kids playing ball together.

"Why is he not playing?"Thyme asked to Ava as they together continued to play with their ball.

"He don't like to play with others. He don't even try to be friends with me"Ava pouted sadly and Thyme gasped.

"Aaah why? Is he afraid?"Thyme asked and looked at Kavin who was a little away from them.

Kavin felt a touch on his shoulder and turned around to see a boy slightly taller than him smiling at him while extending a red ball in his hands.

"Do you want this? Come and play with us"he said and Kavin silently looked behind him to see Ava gesturing him to join them with her hand.

He looked down and shook his head as no.

"Huh? Why don't you want to play with us? You don't like to play with ball? Then we can play something else,we have many toys there in-"Thyme was so good at talking without a break but Kavin was not good at listening to it so he turned around and walked away from the talkative boy.

"Why are you leaving? I'm talking-"

"Let him be for now. We can change him little by little slowly"Thyme turned around to see a taller boy holding Ava's hand.

"This is my brother Felix"Ava introduced and Thyme smiled to him.


"He came home again with a cut on his knees. I've called the teacher's but they are also unable to make him say what happened. Kavin don't run around a lot,so it's impossible for his reasons to be true"Tine said worriedly and Bun put a hand on his shoulder.

"I don't know but Ava said that he always walk away from others while play time. Don't worry Tine and Wat. I'll ask Felix to watch him"she said and they sighed and nodded.

"Ah Kavin, baby come here. Aunt got something for you"Bun said seeing Kavin and he went to her.

"Here,"she said and pulled out a drawing book and colour pencils from her bag.

"Thanks aunty"he said politely and she chuckled and ruffled his hair as he ran back to his father and climbed up his legs to sat on his lap making Sarawat smile.


Felix was with Ava and Thyme when he saw Kavin walking out of the class alone.

"Uhm you two stay here, I'll be here in a few. Don't run away"Felix said to the kids before going from there.

Thyme was being himself and could help feeling so curious.

"Ah where are you going?"Ava asked pouting and he smiled.

"No worries. I Will be here soon"Thyme promised her and she smiled and nodded.

Felix clearly got a view of Kavin walking out of the park where it leads to a forest like place and quickened his steps which eventually made him run. But he got lost behind.

"KAVIN.......WHERE ARE YOU?"Felix shouted and kept looking.

He hugged his knees to his chest as he hid behind a big rock hiding away his tiny body from getting into Felix's view and breathed out when he was sure that Felix went away from there. He stood up and patted away the dust from his pant before taking out his book and walking to somewhere he goes everyday.

Just when he reached down a mountain he started to climb up and apparently it wasn't easy with many plants and branches on his way. At first it used to hurt when he got cuts from the branches and all but now he's kinda used. But he didn't saw a ripe fruit on his way which caused him to slip his leg was about to fall off when someone put there hand behind his back and gave a force forward which helped him get a hold of himself and stand on his feet again.

2𝐆𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐄𝐍𝐃 [ 𝒃𝒐𝒐𝒌-4 ]{Completed}Where stories live. Discover now