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Ava send off her friends who were going to Kavin's house as his parents asked them to.

She sat on the couch and scrolled through social medias until Bun came and sit next to her, Ava turned her head to smile at Bun before looking back into her phone.

"Baby, we have something to talk to you"Bun said and Ava wasn't really paying attention.

"Sweety, we're talking to you. Keep away the phone for a while before I take it away for a month"Jisoo said and Ava pouted as she keep the phone on table and looked at her parents.

"What's it mom?"she looked at Bun.

"Ava, what do you think about us going to Australia?"Bun asked and Ava smiled.

"Wow, that's a great thing. Afterall you two haven't went to anywhere alone for too long. When are you going?"Ava asked and Bun sighed.

"No,dear. Like us three, moving to Australia........to stay there"Jisoo made it clear and Ava frowned as she looked at them hoping they are joking but they were dead serious.

"W-why all of a sudden? What happened? What's the problem living here?"Ava asked and they looked at eachother.

"Jisoo will have a long project their and she don't want to leave us here alone. It's better if we move there"

"You can go without me"Ava said fast.


"Aren't you sad about dropping this project?"Bun asked quite worried and Jisoo wrapped her hands around Bun's shoulder, pulling her close and chuckled a little.

"Don't put on that pout, I'm not sad as long as I have my family besides me. It's just one project,let it be"Jisoo said and Bun sighed,she still was having thoughts running in her mind despite Jisoo trying to make her smile.

"Ava changed a lot........"Bun blurted out and Jisoo looked at her frowning.

"How? She looks the same, don't say that about our daughter-"

"No.........she feels different......like being more selfish?"

"Aigoo , our Bun is worrying way too much. She haven't changed. She's just too close to her friends that she can't stay away from them. Don't worry like this Bun, you'll grow you hair white faster if you stress yourself too much"Jisoo joked and Bun Rolled her eyes at Jisoo and Jisoo chuckled.


"Waaaah this is so great"Thyme stood in front of the school gate with his hands wide open like welcoming someone and Ava chuckled.

"You look stupid like that"Ava smack behind his head lightly and Kavin shook his head as he walked past them.

"Hey,wait for us"Thyme said as he grabbed Ava by hand and followed Kavin to their class.

Later in the class Thyme and Ava were doing there homeworks before the teacher collect them,and ofcourse as always they managed to lure Kavin into letting them copy his homework with their cute expressions which were 'boring' in Kavin's word's.

"Maybe we should try to do homework together with him before coming to class-"

"Umm,hi Kavin"Thyme stopped talking and Ava also looked at Kavin who was sitting two seat ahead of them, avoiding the girl who was standing in front of his desk. The friends looked at eachother suspiciously.

"Who's that?"Thyme asked to Ava.

"She's the new admition from the next class. We met her last time when we came to school for practice"Ava said and Thyme nodded and they looked at Kavin again.

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