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"At your place? Just two of you?"Ava asked surprised and offended.

"Umm yes. It was quite fun"Thyme grinned in between writing down the homeworks and Ava eyed Kavin angrily. Kavin was in his seat writing down some notes that'll help Ava and Thyme to study for Exam's.

"Exactly what's so fun if you two were alone?"Ava scoffed.

"Gurl, you wouldn't believe it. Kavin is actually very very fun to be with.Only after we reached home we realised that we don't have anything to cook"

"Did you starved? Aish you boy's-"

"He won't let me starve. In fact he would die to keep us both happy and healthy, it's so obvious"Thyme smiled and glanced at Kavin's back from his seat.

Ava almost broke her pen in two with her hands and Thyme looked at him.

"We went to buy vegitables and I made fun of him. Can you believe it,he chased me all the way to home,lol.you should've seen it. He looked so happy when we got back home. He made me Salad"Thyme said and Ava raised an eyebrow.

"You don't like salad. You could've ordered pizza or something to eat. You should eat what you like"

"I used to,but yesterday it was different. Even the salad tasted heavenly, probably his magic. But I swear it felt nice to eat with him. We also danced in our room-"

"Our room?dance?"Ava asked suspiciously and Thyme blushed.

"Aw,that was a mistake,I mean in my room........it felt so nice, be was shy and looked so adorable,uwuuuu,I almost melted away"Thyme was obviously whipped for the other boy and Ava seems not to like it a tiny bit as she scoffed.

"Looks like whoever that'll get to be Kavin's will be sooo lucky"Ava said a smirk and saw Thyme's smile slowly fading away but he forced out a smile and looked at her.

"You're right....... they'll be so lucky"Thyme sighed and took his pen.

"Who gets you will be even more luckier, you're such a lively soul"Ava smiled and Thyme smiled looking at her.

"You think so?"

"I wonder if I even stand a chance"Ava said sneakily trying to understand if she'll ever get a chance.

"Don't joke around gurl,you deserve much better........ after all you're our angel sister"Thyme said pinching her cheek before going back to writing and Ava just stared at him with hurt in her eyes.

She never really hated the word sister,but it hurts when he's the one saying it and she hate it.


"Yesterday was my sister's birthday and my mom came home with her after a long time. Usually it's just my sister but yesterday mom also came and made cake for her. She packed a little for you after hearing about you"Amp said happily and took out the small box of cake and gave it to Kavin.

"Oh really? It's nice to hear that. Say her that I said thanks"Kavin said smiling and she grinned and nodded,all cute.

"Sure thing. Ah also let me know How's it later"she said and he chuckled.

2𝐆𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐄𝐍𝐃 [ 𝒃𝒐𝒐𝒌-4 ]{Completed}Where stories live. Discover now