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Kavin almost fall asleep but flinched and opened his eyes as the door was wide open revealing a panicked Amp who rushed to his side without wasting any time, she didn't even noticed Ava who was sleeping on the bed on the other side.

Kavin frowned at her.

"How did you-"

"Are you okay,now? Why didn't you called me?"She asked worried and touched his hand and looked at him throughout to see if he's hurt anywhere else.

He smiled.

"I'm fine, I'm all good. I thought you didn't wanted to talk to me.......the other day you didn't looked well and ignored me"he said and her eyes widened.


"shhhh keep your voice down. She's sleeping"Kavin scolded but she didn't bothered to turn around and see who.

"So you thought I didn't wanted to talk to you? Tsk, how could you think like that of me. I was just upset"she said and he raised and eyebrow.

"Why were you upset then?"

"Is that important now? You're hurt and in hospital bed. How did this happen?"

"I fell down the staircase accide-"

"While trying to help Ava, don't even try to lie to me"she cut her off and he sighed.

"It's not her fault-"

"Yeah? Continue taking her side. How long are you going to let your kindness get the best of you? Fool, she's using you-"

"Can you stop cutting me off and stop blaming her. I already told it was an accident,Amp. Neither me nor her thought this would happen. Now tell me,how did you know about this and how did you know I was here?"he asked and she gulped down nervously.

"I- I heard from Ava,I met her in the school so I rushed to here right away"she said and he looked at her with his arms crossed.

"Look behind and try that again"he said and she looked behind to see Ava sleeping on the bed and her eyes widened.

"Why is she he-"

"How did you know? Don't lie to me"he said sternly and she sighed.

"I was about to meet you today to tell you something-"

"Tell me what?"

"Uhm.......s-something related to Thyme?"Amp really didn't wanted to tell this at the moment when Kavin is like this and Thyme isn't around. But she already know where Thyme is at the moment.

"Amp"he called her sternly and she sighed frustratedly.


Everyone else in the class was gone except for Amp,who just finished packing up her stuff and stood up to leave the class and stayed still as she saw the tall boy staring at her with a cold gaze from the door.

"Hi Amp,"he smirked a little and she raised an eyebrow.

"What do you want,Thyme?"she asked and walked down to him.

"Just want to have a real quick conversation?"He said , more like a question.

"I'm in no mood to play around. Just say and go"she said uninterested.

"Aaah I see, you're so heartbroken from Kavin's rejection"he said and she glared at him.

"But I wouldn't make fun of you, I know it'll hurt a lot to get rejected by such an amazing person like Kavin"

"What do you want,Thyme?"

"Stay away.......from my Kavin"

"What do you mean 'my Kavin'? And besides,why should I? You couldn't even see what he's going through, I understand him better than you do and Ava-ah"she flinched and jumped up a little when Thyme hit the wall next to her and her eyes filled with tear's of shock and the look in his eyes could kill, if it was possible.

2𝐆𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐄𝐍𝐃 [ 𝒃𝒐𝒐𝒌-4 ]{Completed}Where stories live. Discover now