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Warning!!! slight mention of self harming

Tear's rushed down his cheeks as the blade made cuts on his skin and he hold his fist,when,

"KAVIN"Someone shouted his name and he flinched and moved back.

He saw Amp running to him and dropped on her knees near him as she lifted his hand and checked the cut, Kavin's eyes widened as he tried to pull away his hand but her grip was strong.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?ARE YOU CRAZY?"She shouted as her eyes started to get teary.

She got the blade from his hand and threw it away while he sat against the wall weakly. He didn't made a deep cut to hurt a lot,but his heart was taking a lot of weight in it that he feels tired.

Tear's roll down his cheeks made Amp confused,but she still took out a bandage that she always carry in her pocket and put it over the small cut and looked at his face.


"I-i'm so tired......."he mumbled and her eyes softened.

"Why can't everything go back to like it used to be? W-why? Why am I feeling so lonely even when I have people around me?"he breathed heavily and Amp didn't knew what to say or do to comfort him.

She sat next to him and looked at him.

"Kavin....... I- I really don't think I have the ability to read someone......"she tried to joke but he just looked at his hands while trying to calm down.

"Uhm,that was a bad one I guess"she chuckled awkwardly and he sniffled.

"I-it was"he mumbled and she chuckled and hit his arm gently and he gazed at her.

"We're friends,right?"


"I never go behind my friends"she said and he frowned.

"You know,in my old school I had a few classmates who bullied me everytime they got a chance"he stopped crying and listened to her.

"I always ignored it and pretended like everything's fine. But sometimes they went overboard and I feel so tired that I feel like I can't take anything anymore. That was around the time,mom and dad started to fall out of love and at first there was also problems between them. But one of them always came to me when they saw me cry.......and I feel atleast a little relieved after sharing my worries with them. They helped me............... it's not okay to say that 'you won't understand because you've never gone through it' or 'I'm not fine and no one can help' when you don't share your problems"she patted his shoulder.

"You need to share it to anyone inorder to see if any can help, even if they can't you'll feel better after sharing it with someone you trust. Don't bottle up your feelings. I don't know if you trust me,but seeing you like this break my heart. If you want to, I'm right here to listen to you"she said and he looked at her.

He stared at her for a few seconds that made her feel like she said something wrong and was about to apologise when he looked away.

"Ava........ she's changed"he whispered and Amp frowned.

"Mmm? She looks perfectly fine"

"To the one's who haven't been close with her like we were. S-she was like an angel.........she always put other's before her.........b-but now everything seems like a nightmare.......a nightmare that I want to wake up from because this is hurting me so much than I ever was........"he said and she listened to him while rubbing his back to comfort him.

"Why do you think so,now? Have you three fought? Did anything bad happened-"

"She's the one who hurt.........Sofia"he said and felt her hand stopped moving on his back and looked at her to see a look of disbelief on her face.

"W-what do you mean? She hurt herself"Amp said and Kavin shook his head as she said the whole thing to her,of course except that he have some kind of feelings for Thyme.

Amp gritted her teeth and hold her fist knowing how the girl was scaring Kavin that he now tend to hurt himself more.

"How dare she? How can she forgot the bond you three share so easily?"she asked through gritted teeth and he just closed his eyes and relaxed a little.

"Thanks for listening to me, don't tell this to anyone else"

"She needs to be punished for what she did,Kavin"

"Thyme couldn't take it......... he'll be so disappointed-"

"Why are you always only thinking about them? Think about it, that girl have done this far, if Sofia returns back and complaint about it,what if Ava points at you as guilty?"

"I'll take the punishment"he said and she gasped and breathed out.

"Don't be so kind Kavin, being this nice won't bring any good to you. One needs to take whatever punishment it is for their mistake-"

"I know but please don't tell this to anyone,Amp. I see you as my friend and you said as a friend you wouldn't go behind me...... you're nice and that's why I hope we could stay as good friends,as long as we can. I'm afraid I'll never be the same if you're the one to tell anyone about this, I'm already broken......... don't be another reason for it"Kavin said and looked at her before standing up and leaving her alone there.


Thyme was in the library helping Ava and Kavin with finding a book.

"It's on the other section"Kavin softly said to Ava who nodded.

"You guys get going,I saw a friend of mine there, I'll just go talk to him,meet me outside"Thyme said and put his hand on top of their heads like he was a father leaving his kid's alone for a little while.

"Sure,sir"Ava mocked and continued to the other section with Kavin.

Thyme was talking with his friend outside the Library before his friend left for his class.

"Thyme" he turned around as his name was called and he looked at Amp standing behind him.

She had a book in her hand and she looked very nervous.

"What is it?"he asked as she was staring at him.

"I want to tell you something........about Kavin"she said and Thyme raised an eyebrow.

"About Kavin? What is it?"Thyme got concerned hearing Kavin's name.

2𝐆𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐄𝐍𝐃 [ 𝒃𝒐𝒐𝒌-4 ]{Completed}Where stories live. Discover now