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No matter how many times Thyme nagged Kavin to tell whats bothering him but Kavin said that everything's fine and they should go back home before it's too late. Thyme had no other reason than to listen to Kavin but he promised himself to make sure that he'll always keep an eye Kavin for his good.

"This is so cute"Kavin said as he smiled looking at the mini cactus plants they brought and Thyme gasped.

"OH MY- did you just said something is cute? Are you okay?"Thyme asked and Kavin rolled his eyes at him.

"But I don't think that is cute as much as you"Thyme said moving closer to Kavin to get a better view of his face and Kavin scoffed.

"And that's why I told you to get your eyes treated"

"You're the treat"Thyme said and Kavin mentally face palmed.

"Geez, what's wrong with you"Kavin asked and put the mini plants aside as he stood up and Thyme chuckled.

"Uncle Tine called me"Thyme said and Kavin gazed at him quizzically.

"They're going to visit some friends home and said that they'll stay over. So we should just sleep here"Thyme said looking around his house.

"We two kids alone? Without an adult?"Kavin asked and Thyme gasped.

"YAAH I'm an adult, I turned 18already. Besides who's the kid here? You?"Thyme pointed at Kavin who squinted his eyes.

"Don't worry, you're not a kid....... you're a baby"Thyme said and Kavin slapped his shoulder and hold his fist.

"Using violence against me now? Don't even start, I'm stronger than you, I can flip you to the ground and-"

"Shut it. What are we cooking for dinner?"Kavin cut him off and said as he know what could the perverted mind of Thyme could bring up to complete his sentence.

"Thanks to your mom,we have something in this kitchen"Thyme said.


"Sugar,salt,chilli, I guess"Thyme said and Kavin chuckled sarcastically.

"And what are gonna make? Sugar syrup with chilli fry?"Kavin asked almost wanting to swear the hell out of Thyme who made an 'O' shape with his mouth.

"That's new, I've never heart of it before. Should we give it a try?"Thyme asked.

"Feel free to do whatever you want. I'll just starve"Kavin said crossing his arms.


"I can't believe that you brought me all the way out here to buy vegetables"Thyme complained, carrying the vegetable bag and Kavin stopped.

"I didn't even asked you to come with me"

"What else do you expect me to do? Letting a boy who haven't even turned 18 to wander around alone at late night?"

"Yah,you just turned 18and I'm months away from it. Don't treat me like such a baby"Kavin rolled his eyes.

"Tsk. Look at that baby brat with blabbering mouth"Thyme scoffed and started running as he saw Kavin looking around to look for something to beat him up.

"YAH, JUST WAIT UNTIL WE GET HOME"Kavin yelled running after him, without caring about the people around.


"That was quite some fun"Kavin mumbled as he cut the vegetables for salad and Thyme smiled.

"I know,right. Actually I'm surprised that you run after me when there were stranger's watching us"Thyme chuckled.

2𝐆𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐄𝐍𝐃 [ 𝒃𝒐𝒐𝒌-4 ]{Completed}Where stories live. Discover now