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Tine gasped and put the knife down while Kavin continued watching his mom and bestfriend.

"You don't really have a favourite? Even my son who don't really ask for anything much have a favourite food to atleast say"Tine said and Kavin rolled his eyes a little and looked back at Thyme who chuckled.

"Well,as it's obvious my mom never really cooked for me. Only a few times. So I'm kinda used to eating food from outside"Thyme said and Tine looked at him and smirked.

"Did you liked the food you ate my son gave you that night in my rooftop?"

Kavin's eyes widened when Thyme was not really paying attention as his mind drifted to the other night he ate from Kavin's house.

"That was actually very tasty, I've never ate something delicious like that in a while -wait-........."Thyme stopped and looked at Tine shocked.

"Y-you- know-"

"Add my husband, Kavin's father in that list. We witnessed that with our very own eyes"Tine said rolling his eyes at both kids who literally were looking like two playschool kids who got caught while stealing snacks.

"M-mom......are you m-mad? I-i'm sorr-"

"Ask your father what happens if I'm mad"Tine said and the boy's gulped down and looked at eachother until they felt a soft touch on their heads and looked up to see Tine caressing their hair gently.

"I'm not really mad........infact we were happy that our son have a friend that he care's about a lot........but don't lie to us ever again......."Tine said and and Kavin looked down feeling guilty and Thyme was also feeling the same.

"Aish, don't be like that. Now come on, let me make something for you but Thyme will rest and Kavin will help him to stay away from getting bored. Won't you,Kavin?"Tine asked and Kavin nodded.

"I actually am planning to teach you some maths today"Kavin said and Thyme groaned.

"My head is hurting already"Thyme said.

"Sorry,but I've made my mind. You just have to sit there and listen to me attendively" Kavin said as he proceeded with bringing Thyme to living room while he was yelling to Tine for help.

"Uncle,help me from your son, please"

Tine chuckled and yelled back from the kitchen.

"YAAH KAVIN,cut that poor boy some slack"Tine smiled before turning around to make the food.


Thyme was yawning continuesly and Kavin closed the book and put it on the table.

"H-Huh? Did something happened? Why are you-"

"Are you even listening?"Kavin asked in a serious tone and Thyme pouted.

"I'm sorry but I'm so bored with studying at the moment"

Kavin rolled his eyes and looked away and felt a tug on the sleeves of his shirt.

"Pwease don't be mad at me"Thyme gave him puppy eyes.

"Don't do that, I don't like it"Kavin said and Thyme hold back his smile.

"Or maybe you like when I'm dominating"Thyme said and Kavin's eyes widened as he looked into Thyme's eyes and Thyme smirked and said in a seductive voice.

"Then I would say, 'Stop teaching me or I'll kiss yo-'"

"Y-YAH, d-don't be like that. I hate that too"Kavin said trying so hard to be calm and praying that Thyme wouldn't notice how red his cheeks are.

2𝐆𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐄𝐍𝐃 [ 𝒃𝒐𝒐𝒌-4 ]{Completed}Where stories live. Discover now