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"Should I call doctor?"Ava asked worriedly and Jake patted her back to calm her down and she opened her phone.

Thyme was sitting near Kavin on the bed, Kavin still not awake. Thyme hold his hand in his and rubbed his hand. He was panicking.

"Kavin......"Thyme's eye's were teary and Ava walked out of the room to call doctor.

Kavin's hand tighened around Thyme's and Thyme looked up to see Kavin opening his eyes slowly, looking sleepy, tired and pale.

"K-Kavin? How're you feeling? Are you okay? Should we go to hospital?"Thyme asked not stopping in between and Kavin squeezed Thyme's hand.

"T-thyme-....... I'm fine"he whispered and Jake went out to call Ava.

"No, you're not fine. Let's go to hosp-"

"I'm hungry ,Thyme........I haven't ate enough today"Kavin said trying to sit up and as soon as he sat up Thyme hugged him, Kavin's head on his shoulder.

"I was so worried baby"Thyme whispered while hugging Kavin and Kavin smiled and hugged him back.

"I'm sorry for worrying you, but I'm fine now,hm? Don't worry"Kavin said.

"Maybe we should just go and prepare food for him"Ava said and Jake nodded as he followed Ava to the kitchen.


"Fainted? Did you took him to hospital? How're you now,dear?"Tine asked worriedly as he checked upon Kavin and Sarawat was also worried.

"I'm all fine now mom. I didn't felt like eating earlier today and I was tired later on. Just before coming here Ava made me food and I feel better now"Kavin said and Tine sighed in relief.

"Are you full? Should I prepare anymore food for you?"Tine asked.

"Mom, my stomach might explode if I eat anymore"Kavin said in a playful was and Tine rolled his eyes.

"What he need now a good sleep. Right,Kavin?"Sarawat asked and Kavin nodded.

"Yes dad, I want to sleep first. I'm so tired after today"Kavin said and sighed.

"Then, take him to room Thyme. If you're hungry joining us for dinner,okay?"Tine said and Thyme nodded before taking Kavin to his room. They decided to stay at Kavin's parents tonight.


Kavin was very disturbed that he couldn't find a position that would help him sleep comfortably. In the end Thyme sat up and Kavin placed his head on Thyme's lap, Thyme was leaning with his back on the headboard and kept caressing Kavin's hair until they both fall asleep.

Thyme however woke up in the middle of the night,his neck hurting a little,still in the sitting position with Kavin sleeping with his head on Thyme's lap.

Thyme noticed that Kavin and moving around a little and trying to hug the duvet more but room's temperature was just fine, Ac turned off, windows closed,all fine.

Thyme just wanted to push back Kavin's hair that has fallen on his forehead bit he took his hand back the instant his fingers touched Kavin's forehead. He was burning.

"K-Kavin"Thyme shook him to wake him up but he was in deep sleep.

Thyme panicked a little put he quickly, gently lifted Kavin's head from his lap and replaced with a pillow under his head.

He got down the bed and quickly went out , he wanted to call Tine and Sarawat. But on a second thought, he's the one to take care of Kavin from now,even without no one.

2𝐆𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐄𝐍𝐃 [ 𝒃𝒐𝒐𝒌-4 ]{Completed}Where stories live. Discover now