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2years later

She walked into the cafe and saw her friends not arrived yet.

"Aish these guys, always being late"she muttered under her breath asnd walked to an empty table and sat there and decided to wait for her friends to show up.

He stopped the motorbike in front of the cafe and the boy sitting behind instantly got down the bike and removed his helmet just to hit the other boy with it.

"Ou,ouch, that's hurts"he said and hold the other boy's wrist to stop him from hitting him anymore.

"Told you not to speed up this damn thing, I could've died"the boy shouted on top of his lungs inviting other's attention.

"Well,I told you to hug me. If you did it I would've been obedient too, now don't break the helmet or we'll go again and break you skull if we get into an accident"the boy told as he got down the bike and the other scoffed and walked inside without waiting for  the latter.

"Yah,wait for me"he said walking inside.

"Finally"the girl saw the boy's and sighed,her expression showing that she was waiting for them again.

"How I wish if you were the same Kavin back in highschool, you were so punctual back then"she said Kavin chuckled and took a seat opposite to her.

"Don't blame me,Amp. It was Thyme who was late to pick me up"Kavin said and Thyme took a seat next to him.

"Oh really? If it weren't for the you who wasted 15minutes scolding me for bringing bike instead of car, we still would've been reaching early"Thyme made his side clear.

"Yah,it was your fault of bringing bike instead of car like I said"Kavin said rolling his eyes at Thyme.

"Now now,you two ,stop fighting. I'm in no mood to stop you both"Amp said slamming her hands on the table to Stop them.

"It's still would've been easier for us to meet up everyday if we three got into the same University"Thyme sighed and other two agreed to it.

Not fair enough,they both got into different universities with different major's than what other thought they would take. Thyme went for Engineering but Kavin choose hotel management by surprising everyone.

Since the boy used to be so immersed in books for the whole year in school they thought he would choose medicine or something like that. But everything took a turn as Kavin found his interest in kitchen. The boy started to search for new tastes and tips and tried to create new recipes. Don't get him wrong,he still love books and he even help Thyme and Amp in studies.

Kavin went under a lot of changes after Ava's departure. For an year both the boy's would try to hold themselves back from crying and believed that she would come back, but they didn't received even a text message. Kavin slowly started to try more to interact with other's and surprising to say once he got close to anyone he would be a whole new Kavin,now, all cheerful, talkative and a very nice friend. If it's the first time seeing one,he would still be the old Kavin.

Amp became close to them and they three tried to meet up in this cafe whenever they're free. Most of the time the couple would keep Amp waiting for them.

As Kavin and Thyme were ordering the drinks for them Amp captured a selfie of them three together, soon they joined with poses to take another selfie.

"Send them to me too"Kavin said.

"Yeah,sure"she said finding his contact to share the pictures.


The phone received some notifications and she took our her phone from her pocket and checked the text.

A wide grin on her lips as she viewed the pictures.

"They're so cute"she mumbled before putting the photo as her new screensaver and put the phone back in her pants pocket.

Suddenly she bumped into someone and she looked upto see the rude bully of many students there staring at her with a smirk.

"Hey pretty bird, where do you think you're going?"She gave him a cold gaze before trying to walk past him and his friends when he suddenly pushed her back by shoulder and she slapped his hand away.

"Owww fiesty, I like that"he scoffed and stared at her neck.

"Aaah Ken, isn't it the same piece you were looking for a day ago?"the boy asked and his friends shook his head.

"No,but I like this too"Ken smirked and so did the rude boy.

He reached out to touch the pendant on her necklace and before he could lay a hand on it,she catched his wrist in a strong grip.

"I suggest you to keep your filthy hands off what's precious to me if you don't want your arm broken"

"How you gonna do that,pretty girl?"he asked moving closer and she scoffed.

"You sure wouldn't want to know"

"Ooh but I want to, I'll play a fair game. Just me and you, first chance your's, if you fail to broke my arm I'll get you to do what I want"he said being ever so confident and she looked around, feeling nervous at the amount of people staring at the scene.

"You're so stubborn"she mumbled.

"Oh sure sweety, go o-

Without letting him complete the sentence she quickly grab pressure point on hand and raise the boy's hand to chest then break thumb by shoving her hand forward.

The boy yelped in pain as the other's gasped.

Making a 90 degree angle with his wrist and she moved his wrist to the other side of her chest.

She took her forearm about 3 inches above her elbow and placed on his elbow.

She applied pressure until a snap and let go of him and he fall on his back holding his hand.

( Never get me wrong,I used Google's help to find self defence tips 😌 )

His friends rushed to him as him or they were not in a situation to threaten her and they were saving it for another day.

She walked out of the campus get without turning her head to her sides so she'll avoid any eye contact as she walked out.

"HEY AVA, THAT WAS SO COOL"she only fastened her steps hearing the familiar voice shouting at her from her back, running to catch up with her.

"H-hey can you walk a bit slowly"he asked as he reached her side and she still wouldn't slow down.

He suddenly hold her wrist and she glared at him and he quickly let go.

"Oops, I'm sorry. I didn't meant to do that,I just wanted to-"without letting him finish she again walked and he sighed and walked by her side,which was much to her dislike. She could hear the Whispers from behind and it was making her super uncomfortable.

"Can I get your number?"he asked but as soon as she spotted the familiar black car she quickly hop in and closed the door.

He watched the car moving to distance and sighed with hands on his waist and turned his head as he heard girls Calling his name and mentioning how handsome he is. He flashed a high quality smile at them and waved his hands at them all,not wanting to be rude, before turning his head to look at the direction to where the car went.

"Why is it so hard to get her?phewwww"his lips formed a thin line as he walked to his bike.

2𝐆𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐄𝐍𝐃 [ 𝒃𝒐𝒐𝒌-4 ]{Completed}Where stories live. Discover now