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Warning!!! slight mention of self harming

"I heard she lost a lot of blood"

"Did she really tried to suicide in th school? Like seriously? Why would she even do that? If she wanted to die would she have tried to cut her vein in the locker room,where students will go often?she obviously know that she'll be saved"

"Maybe she was just testing how it really feels"the boy chuckled.

"That's crazy,lol"the girl laughed but they hoped their schoolmate who was found with a cut on her wrist in the locker room, would be saved.


Kavin was sitting alone as he looked out to the ground which was empty and suddenly he felt something heavy on his shoulder and turned to see Ava was laying her head on his shoulder and his eyes widened.

"I'm sorry,Kavin"she whispered and he Frowned.

"W-why?"she looked at him as she sat straight.

"For glaring at you earlier. You were only helping me........"she pouted.

"You should control yourself"Kavin mumbled and she huffed.

"I'm trying but that crazy girl is getting on my nerves"She said and he looked down.

"Kavin, let's go somewhere Tonight. With,Thyme"she said and he looked at her confused.

"To where?"


Kavin hold on the hem of Thyme's shirt as the loud music hit in his ear's and Ava took out earpods and offered it to him.

"Keep this on until we get to the balcony"Ava said and Kavin nodded as she took it from her hand.

Ava and Thyme did their best to keep Kavin in between them as they pushed through the crowd to go to the balcony area.

"Hey guys, oh hey Kavin, you're here too. That's great"Kate appeared out of nowhere and smiled wide seeing the three friends.

"Kate,can we'll be on the balcony"Ava informed and she nodded and gave them thumbs up.

"I thought the party was yesterday"Kavin said looking inside through the glass wall that seperated balcony area from the main hall.

"Well yeah,it was Yesterday. It's just a normal party, nothing special. Ava arranged it for you"Thyme said grinning.

"For me?"

"You see, we actually thought a lot and think that we should take you out with us often to get you feel normal around stranger's. Last night after going home this was the first thing Ava did, for you"Thyme said and Kavin looked at Ava surprised.

"Mom told us about it but after going home I thought we should've brought you with us instead of letting you be on your own. I can't wait to see the open side of yours,it would be so amazing, so I got help from Kate and it wasn't hard since she often throw random parties. Soon one day you'll be one among them, dancing and enjoying the company of others"Ava said smiling and all Kavin could do was smile at her. At this point Kavin was kind of scared of Ava, of losing her.............

She's normal..........until the love for Thyme blind her. It was only recently Kavin came to know about this and ever since he have been trying so hard to keep them together. Even if it means giving up his love. But if Ava isn't abled to control herself,no longer he could help her or keep their friendship together.

_______                                              _______

"Ava........w-where could she be?"Kavin bit his lip as he continued to look around and decided to check in their class,which probably shouldn't be locked since their teacher is here.

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