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No more plans, scripted words that he tried to find from reading those boring English literature in the library without getting caught by his friends were all go now.

He was left alone with those three words in his heart and the boy he love the most in front of his eyes, smiling at how cute the older looked now with that nervous look.

"Let it be an adventure, if you get him to say yes it's a win and if not you'll fight the pain of rejection and be mentally more Powerful, it's still another win" once again Hyunjin's word's came to his mind and he took a deep breath and stared at Kavin's face now holding curiousity in his facial features.

"I love you......Kavin"

Thyme said and breathed out, Kavin's eyes widened a little at the sudden confession. A part of him was happy but didn't knew how to react.

Upon seeing Kavin's ever so famous cold yet adorable and yet shocked expression made Thyme's heart sink and now he's starting to get ready to accept the rejection.

"Let it be an adventure, if you get him to say yes it's a win and if not you'll fight the pain of rejection and be mentally more Powerful, it's still another win"

'it'll be a win anyways' Thyme tried to get his heart ready but he was hurting deep inside.

"Uhm t-that's so random"Kavin muttered and Thyme looked at him confused.


"I-..........I thought you were waiting for us to go back to school so Amp can bring me to the rooftop for you to confess-"Kavin cut himself to look at Thyme who was shocked now.

"She told you? Aish that traitor"Thyme pressed his lips together and Kavin almost laughed at him.

Thyme scratched his nape and gave Kavin a shy smile that Kavin almost cringed no matter how cute he looked,that was too much for him to take.

"I really wanted to surprise you, but everything changed in a blink and now we're here........."he said and looked at Kavin who remained silent. He felt like he's talking too much and will only make the situation worse and awkward than it already is.

"Erm but I'm not forcing you. Actually you can reject me,I don't care-"Thyme actually just wanted to show that he's cool and Kavin's raised his eyebrows.

"Oh really? Guess you don't really meant your confession. You don't care?huh?"Kavin asked acting mad and Thyme's eyes widened in panic and he hold Kavin's hand tightly.

"I do care. I care,if course. If your reject me I'll be so broken and I don't know what I would do since this is my first time, I've never confessed nor got rejected so all these feelings is new to me, but I can promise you one thing........"Thyme gulped down.

"If you like me back or don't, I'll still stay by your side,love you, protect you and be with you in every ups and downs and I'll never let you go.........and I don't, I'll never force you to love me back, I promise"Thyme said, those words were from his heart and he was sure about what he said. Even though it's going to hurt a lot,he still will never force Kavin to do anything that he don't wish to do.

"I believe you can stay by my side,love me, protect me and be with me in every ups and downs and you'll never let me down........ you've been like that all along and I'm sure, that I can be the same for you"Kavin said still not knowing where did he got the courage to speak out his feelings, he's always been that cold yet shy type but now.......

Thyme wasn't sure if he should be happy just yet, but then his lips had the most happiest and brightest smile he ever had in them and his eyes were shining as tear's started to form in them.

2𝐆𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐄𝐍𝐃 [ 𝒃𝒐𝒐𝒌-4 ]{Completed}Where stories live. Discover now