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"N-no, t-this can't b-be" she tried to stop the car but everything Seems to be out of control and the car was nearing to his figure.

"NOOO" She closed her eyes tightly and Hyunjin's eyes widened and the phone slipped out of his hand.

Hyunjin pushed away Ava's leg to hit the break and looked at her shocked.

Ava was shaking and crying with her head on the steering wheel and Hyunjin wrapped his hand around her shoulder.


"I-i'm sorry, I'm sorry, I d-didn't-meant to-"

"AVA......"She flinched and looked up at Hyunjin who just shouted her name loudly.

"I- K-kavin.......i-is he okay?"She asked and looked ahead of the car to see the empty road in front of the hospital gate.

"Ava.......are you okay? What happened?"Hyunjin asked concerned and Ava looked around terrified.

"I s-saw him......."

"There's no one here,Ava.....calm down"he caressed her back inorder to calm her down. He eventually got her in the passenger seat and drove to the parking area.

"Please get my phone"Hyunjin said and Ava slowly moved forward to get his phone from the floor and gave it to him.

"Are you okay? Do you want to go back home?"Hyunjin asked concerned because she seems to be scared now.

"N-no, I want to see him"Hyunjin sighed and got out to open the door for Ava and she almost fall on her face if it weren't for Hyunjin catching her by shoulder.


"I'm sorry,Kavin..... I'm so sorry, I really didn't mean to hurt you..... trust me.....I didn't....I can't do that.....I promise"Ava cried holding Kavin's hand in her and he stared down at her worried and hold her hand tightly.

"I trust you,Ava.......I know you didn't meant it......it was me, I didn't wanted you to fall-"

"You could've let it happen. That way you could finally be at peace again"She said with tear's still down her face and he gently smiled.

"Do you really think I can be at peace without you in our lives?hmm?"he himself was starting to tear up now and she pressed her forehead on the back of his hand and apologized again.

From the dark circles under her eyes he could tell that she barely got any sleep at night. He forced her to face him and caressed her hair.

"Why don't you sleep a bit?"he asked and looked at the extra bed in the room and she shook her head. She was afraid that she'll have that horrible dream again, it was pathetic to see that girl like this. All because of the stupid feelings that she developed within herself,but how could we blame her. At some points of life we'll change without realising ourselves and sometimes it's for good and sometimes......... it's for the worst.

"Come on, I'm right here, just get some sleep until I'm here and we'll go back"he said and looked at Felix who didn't even moved from his place as he felt his heart sinking at the view of how pathetic his sister was looking now.

Hyunjin walked to Ava and helped her get up and walked her to the near by bed and laid her down.

Afraid of losing Kavin, she turned to the side and stared at Kavin making sure he's going nowhere.

Kavin softly smiled at her.

"Just sleep"he mouthed and felt his heart softening seeing a small smile at the corner of her lips and her eyes gently closed.

"I don't think she's okay.......she was acting so weird and it hurts to watch her like that"Hyunjin said and all the tear's that Felix hold back welled up in his eyes at those words.

Once a girl who was like an adorable yet bold doll for everyone started to become possessive of her bestfriend, the feelings that forced her break and hurt everyone she thought would steal him away from her, and the second thoughts that she had caused her to feel afraid of hurting someone who she cherish a lot in her life.

Once the feelings that she developed in herself and didn't cared to let go even if others tried to make her do, is now haunting her itself.

"I don't k-know what to do.......I just want my Ava back, I just c-can't let her be"Felix's voice cracked and he walked out of the room founding hard to face Hyunjin or Kavin.

But Hyunjin can't let him be in such a hard time, he followed him outside after gazing at Kavin who nodded to him understandingly.

Kavin couldn't keep his eyes off her. Thoughts of Thyme didn't Crossed his or her mind this whole time as they both were afraid of something in specific. Ava afraid of losing her brother and Kavin afraid of losing his sister.

But if anyone can help them now, it's just herself. Only she can divert her mind to something else and prevent herself from doing anything else anymore.


"Didn't they picked up the call yet?"Lisa sat next to Thyme who shook his head.

"They probably are just mad that I left without saying"

"It's okay,Thyme. You can go back. Appa asked for you when he woke up, it's his last days and I didn't wanted him to leave the world with any wishes left not done"she said and he smiled gently.

"He's my father's only brother. How can I go back when he's in this state? I didn't even knew that you both got back here from London"Thyme said and his cousin smiled.

"Appa wanted to come back here after hearing about your father but mom didn't let him. In a way he was only a little free after she died,but he loved her no matter what and he was still sad after her death. I got married 2years ago and his health was getting worse. My husband is busy with work so I took him to here as he wanted to spend his last days here. He wanted to see you for so long, but I was too embarrassed to face you.........after everything you've gone through,we weren't by your side"she sighed regretting those actions even though it's because her mother who didn't let them go and see Thyme.

"It's okay,P'Lisa....... I'm all good here-"

"I heard about your mom. I'm sorry,we weren't here by your side"she really meant those words.

"It's in the past now. It's nice to see you two again,even if I wish uncle were healthy when we met again"he said and she chuckled.

"He's been on bed for year's now. And to be honest I haven't seen him smile like he did today after seeing you,in a long time. Thanks for coming,Thyme"she put a hand on top of hers and he smiled. They heard a bell from her father's room and she stood up.

"He must be looking for you"she said and he nodded and stood up with him and went into the room where the old man laid on the bed, trying to smile as he saw Thyme again.

'Did Amp met Kavin? Is it why he's not picking up my calls? Did I really messed up our friendship?' Despite the smile he put on for his uncle these thoughts worried his mind. If it's true then it's the best if he don't go back at the moment,how could he face Kavin after this?

2𝐆𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐄𝐍𝐃 [ 𝒃𝒐𝒐𝒌-4 ]{Completed}Where stories live. Discover now