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Tine and Sarawat sat on the table as Amp,Jake and Heeseung arranged dinner.

"Wedding venue selection", Sarawat.




"Wedding invitation- um,Tine , aren't we inviting that friend of yours, back then from your work?"

"Who? Oli? When the f*ck was he my friend?"Tine slammed the checklist on the table.

"Don't curse baby, we have kids here"Sarawat said.

"Uncle, we're all adults. Feel free to curse around us"Heeseung said and the other two chuckled.

The doorbell rang and Jake went to open the door.

It was Bun and Jisoo who came into the living room and they were greeted by the 'kids' and then the adult's sitting around the table.

"You said once he's your friend"Sarawat said and Tine sighed.

" I said once, only once and no, I didn't talked to him ever since, I just have his contact because I forgot to get rid of it and I don't want out kids to be hurt by that homophobic bi*ch"Tine said and Sarawat shrugged.

"I saw his number in your phone and you don't save useless people's name on your contact. Whatever, let's cut him off-"

"What are you two old people arguing about?"Bun asked sitting across them and Tine rolled his eyes.

"Ooohh here comes the young lady"Tine said that made others Chuckled at the bestfriends.

"So, What's the problem?"Jisoo asked Sarawat.

"Just going through the checklist. Marriage is two days away and we can't miss out anything,right?"Sarawat said.

"Where are the other kids?"Bun asked.

"Upstairs"Amp replied shortly and  they four decided to go through checklist together.

Meanwhile upstairs, all others have took over Kavin's bedroom and the main fuss was Levi and Hyunjin who never really got along.

Levi being the protective nephew of Felix didn't let Hyunjin, Felix's boyfriend get near him.

Hyunjin repeatedly got hit with the dinosaurs plushie that he himself brought for Levi, lol.

"Aish these kids"Ava muttered looking at Hyunjin and Levi on floor fighting and playing eachother while Ava sat on the bed with Kavin,Thyme, Felix and Jay.

"Let them be, look at this, how's this?"Felix decided to let his boyfriend deal with his nephew and averted Ava's interest back to their business.

The five were looking at the model pictures of stage decoration but so far they didn't came across any that satisfied their interest or tastes.

"Awhh this is all boring"Kavin sighed and leaned back on his boyfriends chest.

"Just pick any and get married,love birds"Felix joked.

"How can you say that?such a beautiful day, we need a beautiful place for this beautiful couple"Jay said and Ava nodded.

"Ummmm, why don't we look some more, maybe there'll be one?"Thyme said and they continued looking through photos.

"What about cake?"Jay suddenly asked.

"I thought uncle already selected one?"

"No Ava, they said we can do it as we like because it's our wedding and it should be like how we want it"Thyme said.

"Oh,okay"she nodded and went back to looking through pictures.

"Uncle said 'Kids, food is ready,come ,eat and do the rest after"Heeseung Showed up at the door inviting other's attention.

"Let's go and continue this later"Ava said and get down along with others.

"You can't fool him, Hyunjin oppa. Try harder"Ava chuckled at her brother's boyfriend as she picked up Levi from floor and walked him downstairs.

"What are you sitting there for? Come on"Felix said helping Hyunjin get up and Jay excused himself.

"I'll just use washroom and be right back"Jay said.

"Yeah,sure. Don't forget to turn off the light when you're leaving the room"Kavin said and Jay pulled his tongue out.

"I'm not a kid"Jay said and Kavin rolled his eyes.

"Remind me often"Kavin said and Thyme Chuckled.

"Let's go baby"Thyme took Kavin's hand and they went downstairs.


I'm well aware that this is a short chapter. But I cut this short because the upcoming chapter is very special to me.

Also I'm taking this chapter to officially announce that this book will be reaching its end with 2 or 3 more chapters.

The next chapter will be updated soon,hope you'll enjoy 💕

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