Chapter 1: Introduction

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Chapter 1: Introduction

Hi everyone!! My name is Artemis Faith Remus Amoux Cathwulf Chinua which my parents named me because Amoux in French means eagle wolf and Cathwulf in Old English means pure wolf whilst Chinua is still an old family name. Basically, my name is Artemis Faith Eagle wolf pure wolf Chinua. My parents went over the top right??

Anyway, that was what they named me. What a shame I did not live up to what they wanted or dreamed of.

Generally, when you meet someone new you introduce yourselves right? So, you know my name, my favourite colour is black because it brings me peace and reminds me of the night, which brings me on to my next point. I love the night. Now before you all go on and name me a Slytherin or some random evil character you know of from a movie or book wait.

P.S. Slytherin is a great house just wait up.

I love the night because it brings me peace.

I love the moon staring through my window guiding me.

I love how I feel safe at night.

I love how so many creatures that you do not know about come alive whilst you sleep inside.

Wow, that sounds like a poem maybe I should start writing poetry?

My family. I have my parents and 3 siblings: Susi Lovata Chinua (my older sister, she is 24, her name stands for Wolf (Finnish) like a young wolf (English) Chinua; Montana Accalia Chinua (my older sister, she is 17, her name stands for Montana she wolf (Latin) Chinua); Czar Edon Faolan Chinua (my older brother he is 21 and his name stands for Czar wolf (French) little wolf (Irish) Chinua). They both were quite popular at high school, but they have left and now do official business for the pack.

Yes. We are werewolves if you couldn't tell.

My favourite type of songs are sad songs because they help express all my feelings and they just sound so good. I love reading especially at night with the moon shining. At school I am considered a typical nerd with no friends and I am getting constantly picked on.

That is enough about me.

Oh! And I am 15 years old, I live in England in Chester and in 3 days I have to complete my GCSEs. I picked: Drama, Pe, History, Geography, English and Maths (obviously!) and triple Science.

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