Chapter 20: Overwhelmed

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The day passed by in a mindless blur that worried me. I had to act like normal, for Iola. When I finished stretching, I went to find Iola in the lounge and decided to take her out for a movie where we currently are. I received a message from Ajax stating he wanted to talk to me when I got back. I actually have no idea what this movie is about however Iola seems to be enjoying it which is the most important thing for me. When I am thinking my mind often runs away with what I am thinking about which is why I am now worrying about what Ajax wants me for.

After the movie I decide to go to a nearby restaurant with Iola for dinner. We went to an Italian restaurant where she got pesto and spaghetti pasta whilst I got a Margherita pizza. As a starter we had breadsticks and I asked her about what she thought of the movie we saw.

"It was really entertaining! The heroes all fought together and then won against the baddies, it was so interesting."

I smile back at her as she continues to talk about the movie. Our food arrived soon after and we both dig into the meal. When we were both finished we packed up the left overs, paid and started to walk back towards the pack house. The night air was chilly but dry and with a thick coat and jumper on we were quite warm. I decided to make hot chocolate as it was not too late and it would warm us up. Bringing the steaming hot mugs of hot chocolate up to our room I wonder what Ajax could possibly want from me. As soon as I had set both mugs down on the table I took out my phone asking him where I should fid him. His reply was spontaneous proving the importance of what he had to tell me about. He never replied that quickly to a  message unless it was to do with someone possibly being hurt. Ajax's message stated that I should meet him in the library, alone.

I walk  through the dark corridors, soft footsteps on the carpeted floor. The silence was eerie as their was always noise in the house which was generally annoying as you were often trying to sleep through the noise but eventually it became comforting, and now can comfort me when I cannot sleep. As my eyes adjust to the dark I stumble on something and my arms are thrown out, searching for something to keep my upright. Thankfully, a doorknob is near me and I stand up, entering the library.

Since I discovered this room in the pack house, or rather mansion, I often spent a lot of time here. Rows and rows of wooden shelves fill the room as a arch arcs over the two rows which guard the entrance. Lights dangle from the ceiling illuminating the different books on all the shelves. A soft plush, blue carpet covers the floor and in random spaces are sofa's or armchairs, accompanied by a table for you to place the books on. The shelves are filled with multi-coloured books that highlight the shining book shelves.

 Ajax stands near the entrance and we walk together to a spot where their is a large table and several chairs to sit on. I take a seat on a blue armchair and Ajax follows suit, sitting on a red armchair.

"What is it you wanted to speak to me about, Ajax?"

He smiles and quickly replies, "You were at the meeting today, were you not?"

I nod but then quickly use words, "Yes, but what does that have to do with what you want to talk to me about?"

 He hesitantly replies, "I know your family comes from the pack that we are going to fight against and I know you have mixed feelings on the subject of your family."

"It would cause me some conflict especially if I met Susi and had to fight her but I could manage meeting  anyone else." My voice has become stronger with determination.

Ajax nod's but then adds, "I know that you could fight them if you had to but also remember you are presumed dead by them and they do not know that you are alive. Therefore, I have decided that during the fight you will stay and look after Iola and the other pack children. This way you will not meet any of your family and be faced with fighting them."

I blink in surprise, that was not what I was expecting, "I cannot stay though. I cannot stay knowing that you are all risking your life's whilst I am inside doing nothing."

"You may not agree with my decision but I will command you with the alpha voice if I have to. You will be doing it to also protect the pack's children."

I nod in submission and I decide to get up to go check on Iola. As I am leaving the library, Ajax's voice echoes in my ears, "I also couldn't bear to see you hurt by them again, sister." 

I don't bother turning back to answer, "That doesn't mean I like your decision."

We may not be actual birth siblings but over the years he has become like a birth brother for me and Cleo has become like a sister to me.

I walk through the threateningly dark corridors again and soon I am back in my room's. Iola is still up and is watching a movie on the TV whilst drinking hot chocolate. I check how much she has, then tell her to get ready for bed as she has school the next day and probably should not stay up late. As she is getting ready to go to sleep I think about what Ajax has said and I know that I cannot change his mind, at all.

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