Chapter 11: Fearful Dreams

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I'm in a room with my family and Jared surrounding me. I'm on the floor, crawling to get away from them but just bumping into another person. They have sneers on their face as sweat drips down from my brow. I spin round and round trying to get their voices and faces out of my head. By the back, I notice Ariadne. Her smile is no longer soft and delicate but turned into a malicious grin that covers her face. A pang of remorse rushes through me and I wish she wasn't here. Anyone but her. As if everyone in the room had heard that and applied it to them, they disappear. I scan the room quickly and no one is there. I continuously scan the room, looking for a disturbance or person in the plain black walls. The silence is overwhelming, and sharp breaths fill me ears as the room spins round me. Enclosing me.

My back aches and my clothing has several rips and stains in. I lie in a deserted room with stone walls and a concrete floor. The cold from the floor and walls seeps into my clothes and skin. Water drips from the ceiling of the floor creating large pools of water on the floor. My hands are numb from the cold and my back aches from lying on the floor for too long. The little light must come from a corridor by a door but there are no visible light sources or doors. I sit up and press my legs to my chest. I remember the dream and shiver, my thin wrists curled around my legs.

The cold encloses me, and I struggle to keep my breathing even. I jump from a sudden noise. I cannot tell where it is coming from and the world swims around me before the world goes black. 

I wake up on the floor of another room, this time with white walls. I am on the floor and two people are standing in front of me. I shrink back against the wall as they look sharply down. I whimper and push my legs to my chest. Their cold voices cut through me as I listen to what they are saying and shiver as it drains all the hope out of me, "We do not like your families pack for reasons close to us however we will allow you to live, and we shall return you back to them once they have paid us recompensating money and the reason why they did what they did."

I swallow a breath and quietly tell them "My family would rather let me die and I accept that, but before you do kill me, allow me to save my child first."

The female with black curly hair and a small frame scoffs, "Who would let their child die then keep a sum of money?"

"My family would." I struggle to keep my breathing even as talking about them is like tearing at an open wound, " They have abused me since I was eight and I have been raped by the person who is supposed to be my mate, but I have not heard them call me that since we found out. They will not care if me or my child were to die at this moment." My heart pounds against my chest as I struggle to breath and my tear-stained face turns to look at a blank wall. "Only one person would actually... Well, they might not care, I just want to them to care because... because I like them."

My head just repeats what is said. I'm shocked. I liked, like her. Ariadne. I shake my head and turn back to face my captors. Their faces are still stern, and they seem to be discussing what I told them. I shiver again and this time the Male turns to face me, he is tall with curly blonde hair and the two seem like polar opposites. Despite him being my kidnapper, he has an aura of warmth, however underneath I detect a steel like defence. 

He turns to face me and says in a warm tone, " We will leave you here until we find out what you said was true and if they will pay for you or not." He takes a big breath, " Here take my jacket to keep you warm whilst you are here." 

Shocked and surprised by his kindness I accept and pull his jacket over me like a duvet. They then turn around and exit the room leaving me stuck in a white room, with tears all over my face.

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