Chapter 22: Death

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The next day, everyone is running around the pack house creating a organised chaos. Well, organised to Ajax and Cleo, if you hadn't realised yet they were mates and were perfect for each other. Just because my mate was an asshole who rejected me, does not mean that I hate people who have found their one mate and are living in happiness with them.  Whilst everyone is running around in the chaos I start to get out everyone's small pieces of armour. The armour is not massive pieces which cover all of your torso or legs, they just cover especially vulnerable parts that may cause you death quickly. We have no weapons as when we fight we partially shift allowing claws and fangs to come out.

 Once all of the armour is in the correct sets I look around for Heidi, Peggy and Charlie. In the hubbub and cramped space it is rather hard to see them, until I remember a place where we meet up all the time, outside. Leaving the main hall, I search the forest next to the house. Seeing that it is empty, I jog to the nearest tree and climb it. When I have reached a height where I am able to sit down as the branches are thick and are creating a rough floor, I jump to the next branch, on the opposite tree. I continue to do this until I reach a tree which is taller than most. Climbing up I reach a level where wooden planks rest on each of the branches and where Heidi and Peggy are.

"Hi," I state breathlessly.

"Hi!" Peggy replies, "Ajax asked us to set some traps in the forest since he knows we spend a lot of time up here, as well as to stay here as a look out during the fight." She answers to my questioning look.

I nod as I take in deep breaths, trying to get my breath back. Silently, I thank Ajax, he knowingly sent my best friends out of the main fight, allowing me to not have to worry about them getting hurt as they will be up in the tree's.

When I have finally caught my breath, I ask, "Where is Charlie?"

This time, Heidi replies, "Charlie, was asked to set some traps on the floor, then she will come and join us in the tree's. Ajax has supplied us with some bows and arrows to also try and slow down the other pack, but not to harm them."

I smile at that and say, "He must know that I do not want them to be unevenly slaughtered, even if it was their own doing of declaring war on us."

I say goodbye to my two friends and start the journey for the way back. As I am climbing down a tree to walk to the pack house I notice Charlie. I run towards her and then hug her.

"Hi Charlie!"

She replies, hugging me back, "Hi Artemis."

"I wish I was able to stay with you guys during the battle, but unfortunately Ajax has used his Alpha command on me." I pause and look at her, "And... I suppose someone needs to look after the children and others who cannot fight."

Charlie smiles sympathetically at me before walking on and to climb up a tree, "Sorry I cannot talk with you anymore, Ajax also ordered me to make these weird traps for the other pack, to slow them down."

I smile back at her, then turn back and begin  walking to the pack house where my duty of looking after everyone who cannot fight. I enter and close the door behind me, the noise of everyone overlapped the sound of the door closing. My feet are soft on the wooden floor and I walk over to Ajax.

"Hi Ajax, who shall I be looking out for in this house?"

Ajax turns to face me and smiles, "You already know all of the children, but there is also three elderly members of the pack who have decided to stay instead of moving somewhere else as many others have done."

I nod in response then turn to walk upstairs, to wake Iola up. I enter her room and decide to wake her up by opening her curtains. I tiptoe across the floor to the window, which is opposite her bed. I open them as quietly as I can. When they are wide open, I rush out of the room, to pretend I have just come in. It isn't a great prank or even a prank but it is funny to see her face.

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