Chapter 25: Tears

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I reread the last sentence written on the worn, lined page of a thick book which is nowhere near finished.

  I love you, Iola.

Somehow the letters on the page speak to me and I start when a tear drops onto a blank part of the full page. My thoughts scream out at me as my heart pounds, I realise through the tears pouring down my face, there is a small chance that I am the same Iola in Artemis' life. What if my mom and dad aren't who I think they are, or what if my dad is the same Jared in the diary. 

From the lack of writing on the next pages I assume the worse that she died in the hospital. My heart wrenches as I realise that I am just creating theories, I need to find answers. I take in a shaky breath and stand up, brushing the dust from my trousers. Slowly, I stumble towards the trap door and open it quickly. With another breath I start to climb down the ladder, my mind concentrating on everything I read in the diary. Once or twice my hand slips from the ladder and I force myself to climb down without thinking about what I discovered.

I walk through the ghost like hallways, which normally contain several people in as I live in the pack house with my dad, the beta, and his wife, who may not be my mum after all this time. Swallowing, I begin to run down the seemingly, never ending corridors, eager gain answers about the diary and my true parentage, as well as the fact that my so-called dad may have raped someone.

I enter a kitchen which, surprisingly had people in. I walk up to the alpha (Czar) who was trying to prove to his mate that he could bake better then the chefs who provided meals. I stifle a laugh and ask quietly to the alpha if he could come with me to find my dad as I believed I found something that he would like to know. 

As I am talking to him I realise that Jared may be my uncle, the clues and dates from the diary as well as the coincidences of names or positions is too great for it to not mean anything. I wander through the house with long strides and an Alpha at my tail. I lead Czar to the room where it is most likely to be, the training room.

I open the door slowly, searching the room for my dad, who I soon spot, fighting a punching bag. I do not bother walking over to him, but instead I shout, "Dad".

He turns to look at me and begins walking over, I continue speaking to say, "We need to talk."

He smiles at me still oblivious to the fact that it will be a serious conversation. All three of us exit the room and I hear both of them asking what this is about, ignoring them I lead them to a private place in the library which is also designed like a maze (the library not the private place in the library). I sit down on a sofa with shaking hands as I full consider what this could mean for me, my family but also what it could mean for the Alpha Czar.

I take in a breath and begin with a question which could change everything, "Who is Artemis to you?" I breath out and quietly add, "To both of you?"

They both stare at me, colour leaving their faces and a shocked look passed between them. I release the breathe I did not realise I was holding, it does mean something. 

"How did you hear about her?" I jump a little in shock as a voice with an edge questions.

I look up to see Jared paler then Czar and Czar still deep in thought. I look Jared, my so-called dad in the eye, "From her diary that was in the attic." I reply coolly.

Czar looks up, confusion clouding his eyes, "She kept a diary?"

I nod impatient to get answers, "Is what she wrote in it true? The abuse she went through because of you two as well as you kidnapping her and me?"

They both sense the underlying question of 'Is she my mother?'

Czar answers first with reluctance, "Yes, it is true that we beat her up and treated her like dirt and I wish that I met her in the few years before her death."

I turn to my dad again, "And what about you is it true you rejected me and her after raping her, whilst she was pregnant?"

He looks down at his hands, then looks up, "Yes."

Czar stares at him with a new kind of shock and horror, "I know that abusing her like we did was a terrible thing, but I didn't know you could do that." His voice suddenly fills with grief, "She tole me before she died and I ... I just dismissed it and forgot about it," his face grows even paler at the thought.

Jared shifts, uncomfortable underneath me and Czar's gaze, "Does this mean that she is your mate, and she is my mom, and Chelsea is ..." I stop, unsure what to call Chelsea.

"Wait," Czar's voice echoes throughout the room, "Did you abuse her after you found out she was your mate, or did you help her escape?"

When it becomes clear Jared, my dad will not answer, I do, "Susi helped her escape whilst Jared raped, rejected and abused her."

After the meeting, that confirmed who my mother was and what she had been through, a rift started between me and my dad and my dad's fake mate. I basically ignored them and started to spend more time with my uncle who showed his regret and how he would not treat my mother or anyone like that. I also became friends with my uncle's children and we stayed together at school. My uncle asked if he could read the diary and the is what he does whenever he has spare time (which is rarely as he is the alpha of the pack). I settle into the routine and a few weeks after the shock had worn off, I ask if I could go visit her friends in the Blue Star pack and with some reluctance Czar relents as long as he and his family can come as well.

I smile at the thought of meeting my mom's makeshift family.

Her true family.

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