Chapter 23: Darkness

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The only thing that I can hear is a constant noise of slow rhythmic beeping. Everything is dark and I have no idea where I am. At the moment I cannot feel anything, the only thing I can remember was falling. I try to blink, seeing if I can move, but if I can I cannot tell if I moved. As I listen to the numbing beeps I hear shallow breaths that I realise are mine. They are slow and are almost in time with the beeps. Tiredness rushes over me and I slowly relax as the noises grow distant.

The next time I become aware of my surroundings the light blinds me and my eyes automatically close. Opening my eyes, I squint, surveying the room I am in. The walls are white with no windows and a wooden door is closed revealing a room number. On my right is a heart monitor and my heart drops as I realise I am in hospital. It must be because of Iola. Slowly, I continue surveying the room. A shock runs through me as I realise that I am the one hurt. I am lying in a soft bed with a white duvet and I have needles attached to me, which are supposed to help me heal. 

The door creaks open and my head turns to see who it is. As they walk into the room my breathing becomes shallow and my heart pounds, making my head dizzy. I focus on my breathing, trying to even it out so I could speak properly. 

"Get out!" I growl at the person as they frown upon me.

They smile softly, "I don't think you will want that." behind him is Iola, "If I go, so does she."

My wolf growls with me this time and I am surprised that she was listening, but I ignore that and hold my arms out to Iola who comes towards me and hugs me. The person at the door answered for me that I was in my old packs hospital for whatever reason. I begin whispering to Iola, checking if she is hurt and how she is being looked after. To my surprise she was being looked after by Czar. When I heard that I growled slightly then stopped so I would not scare Iola. For the rest of the time I was their she was sat on my lap as I stoked her hair and told her that I loved her. I loved her more than anything. 

Too soon Jared ripped her away from me as Czar came to collect her outside the room, obviously not knowing who I was. Jared decided to talk to me but I tried to ignore him however it was too hard with him spitting off obvious lies, like 'I missed you' and 'I have changed' or 'I tried to get your family to pay the money'. 

Eventually I got too tired of listening to his lies and decided to yell at him for all he did. "If you missed me why are you sleeping with other people? If you wanted me back why did I get stabbed in the back when I was talking to you?" I yell, whispering I continue with tears in my eyes, "If you wanted to be a part of me and my child's life why would you push us away and disown us from your family."

The pain from seeing him, being stabbed and trapped in my old pack is too much and I begin yelling for him too get out as I fight back the flood of tears that are beginning to overflow. As he leaves I begin to calm down. As much as I dislike people in the pack I need to get news of my family whilst I can. I don't know why but I cannot hate them if I tried even after all they have done too me.

Exhausted after letting out all of my tears I call for a nurse by pushing a random button. When the nurse enters, I ask to see the Alpha, I need to find out what happened after I left. When she leaves the room I breath in rhythmically hoping that he is not the same brother I left. I jump slightly when the door opens revealing a confused and wary looking Czar who is looking at me as if I am going to turn into a ninja spy and kill him or something. I laugh slightly at that then cover it with a cough.

I decide to act as if he knew that I was his sister although he clearly did not.

"Hey Czar"

His brows furrow in confusion, "How do you know who I am?" his face pales after thinking of something, "Please don't say you got pregnant with my child and that child is mine, I have a mate out there who may no..."

I cut off his rambling with my laughter and then saying, "Ew, I would never sleep with you although your bestie Jared forced myself to do it with him after he rejected me" I wait a few seconds before adding the final thing, "a few days after my birthday and on the day I ran away."

If possible his face went paler as I said these things, I decide to spite him and say the other thing that was on my mind, "After you and Jared also beat me up."

It wasn't exactly in order of what happened but I wondered how he was going to react and realizes who I am.

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