Chapter 7: Getting caught

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Chapter 7 – Getting caught

As soon as the Alpha left, they dragged me inside by my right arm and the abuse started, worse than it has ever been. My lips are dry and parched and my left eye is swollen shut. My legs have bruises on them and a can't stand on my right leg. And that is not even the worst of it. My stomach is bleeding some of my cuts are big and some small, bruises cover some of the cuts and I whimper as I try to stand up from the living room ground. The darkness cuts through me as I struggle to see if they have left any traps for me on the ground. Once my eyes have made sure it is safe, I drag my arms across the floor creating burns on them, but it is not as bad as the other cuts on me. When I get to the stairs that go to the basement floor, I pause. My arms are now actually worse I cannot move them at all without sending pain strolling down them. I move my legs to the bottom of the first step and begin walking them down whilst sitting down.

When I reach the bottom, I am panting for breath and I slowly move towards my room. Every so often I have tried to escape but I am always caught but this time I am even more determined to get away from here. As my room is in the basement there is no way I can escape from there. I decide that sleep would be the best thing for me not and I slowly drag myself onto my bed. Wounds still wide open. I sigh quietly wishing for the infamous werewolf healing power. Yes, we do have werewolf healing powers but due to the number of injuries I get it no longer works so I am used to the pain, or as used to it as you can be with getting 5 beatings a day.

I wake up to the morning sunrise and the peace of the morning when no one is up. I fell into a dreamless sleep which was quite unusual, and I was grateful for the small amount of time that I had to sleep. My clock read 3:24 and a sneaky yawn escapes my mouth. I know that this is it, my time to escape and find my own way. My bags are already packed, and I gather the last few items I have, throw them into a bag and zip it up. Carrying all the bags to the front door I ponder on leaving a note. Deciding against it I hoist the bags onto my back where it will hurt less and begin limping out of the door.

My feet ache and my back and legs burn from the weight, but I have to go on I can't stop, if I do, they will get me and they will do everything in their power to stop it happening again. Just like the last time I did it 2 years ago. My eyes close with exhaustion and I fight to keep them open. To keep on going. To keep this freedom. What feels like hours pass by and the sun slowly moves higher into the sky, beating down on me. Sweat sticking my t-shirt onto my back. The trees grow more and more in quantity changing into a wood. The ground is uneven and hard as I trip over the roots and bushes, ending up on the floor more often than not. At one point I decide to lie on the floor, panting for breath as the floor digs into me. I must pass out at one point as the next thing I know I am in an unknown room.

The walls are white, and the floor is cold with no carpet on. I am sitting on a bed which is also white when I hear voices coming towards this room. The bed is sinking as I listen to what they are saying. My injuries are at the worst which I guess is from my escapade.

A deep rough voice asks, "should we do with her, Alpha?"

"I don't think we should act against her before we know what she wants and why she was passed out on our territory bleeding to what may have been her death." A feminine voice replies.

"That does seem like a sensible idea but what about her injuries we have to treat them?" The third person asked.

My breathing speeds up and I focus on my breathing. I wonder why I should stay alive. Why not just give this up? It is not like I have anything to keep me going or stopping me. I examine my major injuries once more and notice that although they have bandages over them which were soaked in blood, highlighting the blood loss I had suffered. The though crosses my mind again and I decide to ask Aria what she would do. That is if she is still hanging on to me and hasn't decided to leave me too.


Her voice is weak and sounds sore, but she still responds knowing I need her, "Yes, Artemis."

"What should I do? I feel like there is nothing to live for. At all. And we are nothing but a nuisance on this world."

"I know it feels like that for the both of us. The people outside think we are dangerous, but we are just broken. Let's give up if that is what you want. It is not like we have anything to live for."

"Ok Aria. Let's do it."

Hi everyone. I hope you are all enjoying my story so far. I just wanted to say that you should not commit suicide and if you are having suicidal thoughts tell somebody you trust. Also this is not what may happen if you have suicidal thoughts as I have no way to accurately say how people may feel if they are or are not having suicidal thoughts. I in no way support suicide and I am just using this for the purpose of the story.

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