Chapter 10: Old foes

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"Hi Jared"

My breathing is shallow and harsh as I stare back at him, his face is bewildered and bitter. His eyes blink as if to register that I am here. "What are you doing here?" he spits out.

"I need to talk to you Jared," I hiss back at him, "And if you don't let me talk to you then I will never speak to you again and you will not know why I ran away to come back a few days later."

"Go on then," he mockingly says, "What is so important that you had to tell me?"

"I'm", I inhale sharply before deciding, "Look, can we go somewhere else to talk about this."

To my surprise he compliantly agrees.

We walk for a while down several streets and into a deserted park. The sun is high and a gentle breeze tugs at my hair. We walk some more to a wooden bench, and we sit down. Jared speaks in a low voice, gentler from when I first saw him today.

"What did you need to tell me that was so urgent?"

"I'm ..." I take a deep breath as I swallow a lump in my throat. I look out in front of me watching trees sway in the wind and plants waving at each other, "I'm pregnant."

It felt like I was ripping off a plaster. It stung and I felt tears at the back of my eyes, but I also felt hope of a new family, but perhaps not with Jared. I turned to face him. His eyes are blank, and I cannot gauge any emotion from them. His face is pale just as I now expected was mine when I learnt of the news. Even now just sitting here a hand drifts to my stomach: protecting my baby. Jared slowly speaks and as he does, I let out a slow breath that I did not know I was holding. My tears disappear as I listen to what he is saying. 

"You are what???? Why are you telling me this? Are you expecting me to become all caring just because you got yourself knocked up and I got a pathetic excuse for a human let alone a werewolf for my mate??"

My eyes are fire and I quietly say to him, "I do not expect you to care about me, but I thought you should be given a choice and chance to care for or see your child."

His face pales and the colour he had regained disappeared. In a strangled voice he asks, "My child?"

Energy builds up in my voice as I say, "Yes your child, why else would I come to see someone who physically and mentally abused me for the past several years to tell them something that does not concern them."

He winces as if each individual word hurts him. He looks up from his lap and his eyes harden as he looks into mine. His smile seems to grow on his face, "I would love to never see you or your pathetic 'baby' again!" at first his voice is gently but then he snarls the last few words.

"As you wish," my voice is quiet and strong as I look him directly in the eye, " But don't expect me to allow you into their life when you realise what you have done."

I get up and walk away before he can say anything or hurt me again. I feel like this keeps happening. I trust him or my family and I get hurt, again and again. I don't look back no matter how much I want to. I am upset, but not for me, for my child who will never know her father or any of her other family. I walk on and on. I don't know for how long or to where: I just walk. The sky begins to darken, and I realise I have nowhere to go. I didn't before but then it did not matter. Now, now I have a family to live for. I check the little amount of supplies I have left as in my rush a forgot most of it. I have my money from Susi and a few energy bars but no water. I open up one of the bars and take a bite as I settle down on a log near the beginning of a wood. I am still on my first bite when my skin prickles and I notice something is wrong. One hand rest's protectively on my stomach whilst the other clenches into a fist. A rabbit escapes from the bushes behind me and I relax. 

Blackness steals my vision and all I can remember, or feel is a sharp pain at the back of my head as I try to curl into a ball to protect my baby.

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