Chapter 5: Running

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Hi everyone. Just before the chapter starts I want to say near the end you may not want to read it as it describes her being raped with one or two small details. I will place asterisk's before and after if you do not want to read it. This does not mean I am encouraging rape. If this ever happens to you or someone you know please tell someone who you trust and can help.

Chapter 5: Running

I wake up my face numb against the penetrating cold seeping into my pores from the floor. I reach up to wipe my hair out of my face wincing as I notice all of the bruises and cuts that cover my one arm. Staggering upwards I walk towards my mirror wincing at my reflection, limping across the stone-cold floor. My grey jumper hangs loosely on my frame, black leggings hang loose on my waist. I frown, wondering to myself, how long had I been unconscious? And, the most important question, why was my werewolf healing not working? I glance at my alarm clock and notice that it is 3:07 AM. I quickly grab a towel and some new clothes and stumble out of my room trying to be quiet as I walked into the bathroom. I slowly move into the shower and turn on the water. The cold hits me first like always and I wince as it travels down my back. I can see from this moment that my stomach took the worst of the blows and I gently cradle it and grimace as the pain reaches me again.

After my shower in the scalding hot water, I change into a simple black t-shirt and a grey jumper as well as black leggings. As I check the clock downstairs in the kitchen, I realise I was out for more than a day! Luckily, it was a weekend when I passed out, so I did not miss any of my exams. I ponder over Susi's words and realise she is right. I cannot stay like this. I feel lighter or happier at this thought not like the weight is off my shoulders because we know that the weight you carry is not like that. It is within you even if you try to hide it and there is nothing you can do to get rid of it as their will always be something that you regret or is weighing you down.

I walk quickly through the kitchen trying to get to my room, however before I get there, I knock something onto the floor. It clangs loudly echoing in the room. I bend down and quickly pick it up placing it on the counter as quietly as I could. Continuing on to my room I pause when I hear soft footsteps behind me. Ignoring them I continue on hurrying to get to a safety. My safety. However, before I get there, I hear a voice interrupt the steady quiet now created.

"I am sorry for what happened the other day you know. I did not mean for it to happen."

Despite myself knowing the truth of what he is like I could not help but trust him in that moment. "I forgive you it is not as if you could have stopped him, my brother." I say whilst turning to look at him.

He starts to walk towards me, and I stay where I am frozen in place.

"I am sorry you know. I know see what a mistake it was to reject you and I have regretted it since those words left my mouth."

I look up at him his dark eyes show the truth. He really does regret his choice, suddenly he leans forward and is lips are on mine. Soft and gentle. My eyes close automatically but then I realise what I am doing. I quickly step back and mutter ashamed, "I can't sorry, I am just not ready."


Jared does not seem disappointed instead he seems to understand and looks sympathetic. But what happens next surprised me so much that sometimes I wonder whether I will recover from what happened. My back is pressed against the wall outside my bedroom whilst I am trapped between his arms. His eyes are still so kind and gentle, but my heart is beating as I am frozen in place by fear. His soft hands slither under my top tracing lines on my stomach going lower and lower. Tears start rushing down and down which surprised me since you would think that I would have used them all up by now. I don't know how long it takes but he has stopped touching me now however my skin is still crawling. My ears pick up the sound of something being unzipped and full-blown sobs start coming now.

His voice still gentle reaches my ears, "Don't start crying now. You are my mate, and I would never do anything to harm you."

He says that. He says that but the painful thing is he still does it as I whimper in pain and anguish.


When he finally finishes, he walks away leaving me on the floor. Naked. Trembling with horror and disgust at what he did to me. A shell that can no longer be repaired. An empty husk of a person that never fully existed. A person who had to hide and conceal who she was for others sadistic pleasure. After what feels like hours, I seemed to have cried all my tears out I finally enter my room. I feel so dirty and disgusted with myself that I allowed something like this to happen to myself.

The reality of what just happened sinks on me. I Artemis Chinua who has been ridiculed and taken advantage of since the age of 8 was just raped. That word feels so foreign to me and tears restart again. As this happens, I realise that I am not crying for you or the idea of someone who will always take care of me. Well maybe I was partially. But overall, I am crying for the person that everyone in this stupid house took from me. And more specifically the innocence you, Jared Stone, stole from me. For the rest of my life, I will never be able to take that one thing back. That 1 thing.

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