Chapter 17: Old Mate's

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"Hi Artemis."

"W what are you doing here?"

"Oh, did Ajax not tell you? My pack are coming to stay here for a bit and I was told to go ahead to meet with Ajax and Cleo."

"But what are your pack doing here?"

"Welll, that will be discussed in the meeting tomorrow with my pack. What's all the noise inside?"

I cursed inside my head, "It is my daughter's birthday party today."


"And I need to get back inside to help with it," I say, hinting that I want to leave.

"Right. Can you show me to Ajax then, please?"

"Sure, follow me."

I turn around and blink back forgotten tears. Why did they have to show up? And now?

Before I can show them to Ajax's office Iola runs up to me with innocence that makes me wonder what would of happened if I had not shifted a few days near my eighth birthday. Iola's voice interrupts my thoughts and I know I have to stay strong for her.

"Who is this, mummy?

"Hey sweetie. This is," I take in a deep breath and continue, "This is Ariadne from a pack that is coming to stay with us for a bit."

She smiles and then runs off to play with her friends and I take a deep breath then in a shaky voice say, "This way to Ajax's office."

She nods and I walk up the stairs then turn adown a corridor and knock on a door. Ajax softly states, "Come in."

I walk into the room and introduce Ariadne and as I do I notice Ajax looking at me with questioning eyes. As the past years passed Ajax and Cleo had become like a brother and sister I would never get however they also reminded me of Susi and how she helped me escape from the hellhole that was my home but is no longer. I shake myself from my thoughts and excuse myself to go help Iola with her party. Ajax knows that my friends have it under control but allows me to leave and think about what I should do next. I regret leaving her but she probably has a mate or just doesn't like me how I like her and I need time to get over that so it won't hurt me anymore because I always end up being the one who is hurt no matter what I do.

As I am walking downstairs I spot Iola hiding behind a curtain and I sigh with relief that she is having a good time. When they are all finally bored of playing hide and seek I ask what movie the all want to watch and with what popcorn. They are all unable to decide so I make a bowl of sweet, salty and toffee then I put on one of Iola's new DVD's. Whilst they watch the movie and snack on popcorn I go to my best friends and tell them who was at the door and thankfully they got why I was upset. Soon enough the doorbell rung again and I guessed that it was time for the children to go home. I answered the door and called all of the children to go home with their parents.

After everyone had left, I started making dinner for me and Iola. I was making Indian food which I was taught to make during first year of making them. As I was cooking Iola was chatting about her day and all of the different presents she had got. I nodded in response to whatever I was saying but was mostly focusing on what I was going to do. I am not going to run again from Ariadne even if she has a mate or a loved one but I also need to be able to control my emotions around her. It isn't because I don't like her or I don't trust her I just can't do that to Iola as she knows she has a father somewhere and I also cannot do it to myself as it would just end up hurting someone in the end and I don't want to be responsible for more of my pain let alone someone else's.

The smell of food reached my nose and my stomach grumbles as I realise I have not eaten all day. I turn off the stove and bring the different pans onto the table. Bringing two plates and bowls I quickly lay the table and then tell Iola to sit down. Whilst we eat we discuss what is going on with her school and I break the news of another pack coming. Iola however, unlike me, shrugs it off and asks if anyone her age will be coming. I assure her there will and when she has finished her food I take her up to bed and start reading the next chapter in the book she was reading.

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