Chapter 12: Wanted

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I have nothing else to do so I pull the blanket around me and try to sleep on the floor. The floor is rough and uneven, so I place my head on my two hands. Sleep does not seem to be nearing as my brain is to alive with questions. One of the most prominent is where is Aria and how is she dealing with the rejection of Jared, for our child and ourselves. But also, what would happen too my child once I die. 

The door slams open, and I have a crick in my neck from lying on the floor and my hands have the pattern of the floor on them. Light spills in from the hall, blinding me temporarily. A tray of food is placed in front of me by the kind man who I spoke to last night.

"We can't let you starve if you are going to go back to your family, can we?"

Hope spreads through me like fire on a piece of paper. "They have paid the sum for me!!!!!!!!!"

"They actually, they actually haven't yet but I am sure they will soon." He frowns as if he is upset by this development.

"Oh," my hope now sinks like a ship in an ocean. 

I know that they wouldn't change but hope is like a deadly poison affecting everyone with their desires. 

I lean forward and investigate the contents of the tray. It contains a small bowl of porridge and piece of toast. I start eating the food not caring if it is poisoned or not as there would be other ways for them to kill me instead. After I have eaten all of the food, not nice but filling, I look up to find the same kidnapper in front of me.

"You know I feel bad just calling you 'kidnapper'. What is your name?"

He smiles softly, "My name is Ajax."

I smile back at him although it is forced, he seems to brighten up. I push the tray towards him as he speaks again, this time more sorrowfully, "We have given your pack and family a deadline for the money and if they do not give it, we will have no choice but to kill you."

He looks back at me and my smile relaxes, "Thank you for that warning, but just let me save my child before you kill me is all I ask."

He nods in response and turns around: taking the tray with him and closing the door. I slowly breath out and rest my head on my knees wondering how to pass time.


8 months later

I wake up in the morning and I am greeted by the smell of a full English breakfast. Why is it even called an English breakfast? Who knows? I mean someone will probably know. I mean maybe. I mean, wow. You know you are insane when you have started babbling and stuttering to yourself. I sit up and take off the duvet off my blow-up mattress. It isn't that good, but it is better then what I had before, especially for 'kidnappers'. In the past few months, many things have changed:

Number 1 - the looming date of the deadline looms ever closer and is now only a week away.

Number 2 - my stomach has grown a lot bigger, and I can occasionally feel my baby kicking!

Number 3 - treatment towards me in this prison. This has probably changed the most as the time went on and my family and pack still hadn't paid the money Ajax and Cleo (the stern black-haired female) had become nicer as well as my meals and food becoming a lot nicer. Although I am still not allowed to go outside, I walk around my 'cell' which is quite spacious.

Number 4 - I have a few 'daily' conversations with Ajax and Cleo but I have not been allowed to meet anyone else in their group in case I report them when I am with my 'family'.

So much has changed recently that I do not even now what I am going to do if I have to go back home. Each day is so repetitive but also so different. Lights have been added to my room and I am still often bored when I am left alone to my overwhelming thoughts.

The next week passes by in a numbing and mindless blur that brings trepidation and terror as the ending comes closer. On the Tuesday, the deadline date, I am filled with nerves and butterflies, but I cannot figure out what they are for. Most of all I want a safe home for my child as I fell that she or he is due soon and a wave of love hits me hard for my baby. 

Cleo and Ajax enter the room and they shut the door with a quite thud. They turn towards me and sit down on the makeshift bed. Their faces show no expression and my palms sweat with nerves. I take a deep breath and set my soldiers down as I feel tension building up in them. Ajax understands my nerves and begins to speak, "The deadline has come for your family and pack. The money from them has," Ajax takes a deep breath, "The money from them has not been paid."

I sigh softly as my heart stutters, and I do not know what I am feeling. Tears drip out of my eyes as I recall what I said at the beginning and now I am going to die, and they would have caused their own family. Their own child. Their own sister. 

For what? 


I scoff at the thought. Even though they are my kidnappers and are going to kill me, they have been nicer to me then my actual birth family.

Cleo interrupts my pity party and in a surprisingly soft voice she says, "You may not want to but us two and the rest of our group or family have decided that you can either join us and stay with us until you die, or you can choose to die."

"Family?" I ask.

"Even though we are not of the same blood we have made our own family and we stick together like a pack."

I swallow and take a deep breath, "I have never had a family before, but I would like one for my child and myself." 

I look up at them and smile, "I accept."

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