Chapter 3: Birthday surprise

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Chapter 3 – Birthday Surprise

I wake up with my cat sleeping next to me. I hear my alarm go off and I quickly switch it off getting my clothes and walking into the bathroom. As I am in the shower, I think about what will happen today: the unlikely possibility of getting a mate, having to do my usual chores, possibly another beating. Not a positive thing there apart from the unlikely small possibility of getting a soul mate.

As I quickly put my clothes on, I suddenly remember that we have a guest here. I think why he is staying here instead of our pack house which is in the forest and is bigger than a mansion although there aren't many families living there. Anyway, I shake this thought and walk outside of my room.

In the hallway -surprisingly- my dad and my 2 sisters are they're with my mom and, it seems like, presents. I am about to open my mouth when my dad promptly opens his mouth to interrupt whatever I was going to say.

"Happy Birthday!" His voice all jolly but his eyes flash darker with anger and I know that this is not what he wants to do.

"T Th Thanks" I mutter stumbling over the simple word.

Susi smiles with joy "Hurry up and take them. Then get to school, I bet you will love them".

I quickly take them as I start to go downstairs, and I start to ponder on why Susi unlike my dad seemed happy with this. I remember that Susi was not their when I shifted and how she was always kind to me. Maybe she has always been kind and like a normal sister to me when she came to visit. This is because when she was 16 a few days before I shifted, she met her mate from a visiting pack and has moved in with her. I smile at the though and make a note to open Susi's present last hoping for something nicer than the others.

As I reach school I head to my locker (which I rarely use) and put 2 of my presents in there. Opening my dad's gift, I slowly smooth the paper and hope for the best. Inside is a small piece of paper which reads:

When that Alpha leaved expect worse than you have ever gotten.

I take in a deep breath hoping that I can get away from this hellhole or the Alpha dude stays here for more than 2 days. Taking in shaky breath I reason with myself that this day cannot get an worse.

But that is all until I read my so-called sisters note or 'present'.

Wait until the Alpha leaves Bitch.

I breathe in and out thinking how this ALPHA DUDE is not helping at all. Tears slowly fall down my cheeks as I hunch into a ball in the corner of the playground. My vision blurs as I think of why I stayed here. Why my family hates me? Why? What did I do? Because of their treatment I have never even seen my wolf! I think of how my family is so dedicated to the moon goddess even though I don't believe in her. I think of all the way's I have been 'labelled' or even felt different. Like an outcast.

The bell rings shocking me out of pitiful state. I get up, smoothing my clothes and wiping the tears off my face. I try to run inside but my big school bag makes it impossible, so I start to walk inside trying to get to my lessons on time.

As I walk away from school, I mull over the few happy birthday's I got from teachers and students. I end up smiling! Not a bright colourful smile but a small cautious one. I think of how this is an improvement as I haven't smiled for over 2 months. As I am walking, I finally gather the courage to open my mom's present where there is a small, battered book. I sigh in disgust rolling my eyes. For all of my siblings she got them a brand-new book about the moon goddess so I don't know why I thought I wouldn't get one.

Oh, wait I know.

1 – Because she never gets me presents and has taken pleasure in abusing me

2 - Because I don't even believe in the moon goddess let alone pray or talk to her.

3 – I don't have any of the Alpha dominance that Alpha children get. Because I am the 'runt' in the litter.

After placing the book 'carefully' in my bag I open my last present hoping for something better than 2 threats and a book I will NEVER use. Whilst smoothing the wrapping paper I notice a small black box and I open it quickly to see a black wallet. I carefully open it and notice 2 £10 notes and 1 £20 note along with a bank card. I blink in a surprise and I feel a sadness welling up inside within me. Do they really want me gone that badly? Is this some sick joke?

Tears fall rapidly until a jump with surprise when I hear Aria (my wolf) speak.

'Read the note' She softly says trying to hide her obvious hope.

'Maybe she will explain why.'

I quickly bend down and pick up the note scanning through it. I then stop, the reread it not quit believing that she would do this to me. I feel my wolf reading it with me.

Dear Artemis,

I know you are probably wondering why I gave this to you.

Do I want you to go away?


I would love to come and see you like I do now, but you cannot live life like this. Start to stand up for yourself. The card has most of my saving's from various jobs as I know you need it more to get out of this place that I know you like to call your personal hellhole. I only hope that I can still come and visit you wherever you go. Have fun in your new life and show the real you not just the shy person but the fun one who loves reading but also acting!

Please take my advice and get whatever you need as well as going wherever you want to get away from here. I have tried to tell the others to stop harassing you, but they would not, so I fear that this is the only reason.

Love Susi

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