Chapter 13: Family

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As soon as I said those two words they started smiling like crazy and I felt so happy that I would just burst from the inside. Doesn't make a lot of sense, right? Anyway, I was let out of my 'cell' and was allowed a proper shower with warm water and soap! Hey, you know I was a prisoner before! After I got rid of all of the dirt I shampooed and conditioned my hair. When I was finished, I stepped out and dried myself with a towel provided, then changing into a pair of black leggings and a plain black top, which was provided.

As I stepped out of the bathroom, I saw Cleo who now looks a lot less strict and friendly, and I skip over to her. What can I say, I was excited about living with a family and my child! We hugged for a short amount of time and then we went down a set of stairs to meet the rest of their and hopefully my family.

The stairs are smooth and not at all steep. At the bottom the floor is wooden adding a comforting feeling as we walk through a corridor and turn into a room. A large fire roars in the middle of the wall in front of me and the walls are a bright blue, several bookshelves lie on the wall to the right and several sofas and armchairs are scattered around the room in reds and blues. Next to the bookshelf a girl in a black denim jacket and black leggings is scanning the books on the top shelf whilst another person with auburn hair and a Hogwarts jumper is chatting to a girl in a pink and black leopard print glasses and a navy t-shirt. I almost sigh at the thought of having my own friends who I am so comfortable with.  Their conversation drifts over to me and I step forward to go and join them.

"Hi," I stutter nervously.

The girl with the goth look turns to face me as she smiles, "Hi, you must be Artemis. I hope you can become good friends with me and my other friends!!!! My name is Heidi."

The girl with glasses and brown hair then introduces herself, " I am Peggy."

Finally, the one with auburn hair (which is in a bun), and blue leggings introduces herself, " And I am Charlie."

They have a quiet aura around them but also a sense of comfort and friendly humour. After talking to them for a bit I found out that they all loved books and were super smart though they didn't think so and they were quite confident in themselves when they were alone with just their friends. Next, I went to talk to the others in the room and in total there must have been forty of them. Some were twenty or more years older but there were also a lot of people close to my age.  When I met everyone, we all went to the dining room which was massive and contained a buffet and several tables for everyone. The hubbub and friendly chatter almost made me cry as I can't remember what the last time was when I was in such a carefree atmosphere.

I decide to take random bits of food and place it on my plate. Then I go and join Charlie, Heidi and Peggy. As I sit down, I hear them discussing what they should do after lunch.... well, more like arguing between some sports or going out to look at books. They momentarily stop when I sit down then smile at me and go back to their friendly banter. Finally, Heidi gives up and tries to calm them down and then deciding, "How about we go shopping with Artemis for new clothes and baby clothes??"

The other two turn to look at her and agree as I smile at the thought of having friends. Sure, we may not become really close so quickly but overtime perhaps we can. I respond to the trio replying," I would love to go shopping ... but I don't have any money."

"You don't need to have any we can just borrow some from us or the organisation," exclaims Charlie.

I smile and quickly reply, "Let's go when we have finished this food."

The food was a mixture of all cultures and absolutely delicious. After we were all full, we left, and we walked to a bus stop nearby. The trio asked me questions about what I liked and disliked, and we basically got to know each other whilst waiting for the bus. When the bus came, we stepped on and paid for everything then we sat at the back of the bus.

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