Chapter 4: Runaway plan's

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Chapter 4: Runaway Plans

The rest of the day was a blur, but I remember that my brother is coming soon along with his best friend. And my parents are making a bigger fuss about him then their newly 16-year-old daughter. However, I was right that I would not meet the supposed soul mate or just mate on my 16th or ever.

As I enter the door, I am furthermore surprised by most of my pack standing in the entrance of my house holding balloons and a massive Victoria sponge cake. I wrinkle my nose discreetly whilst hiding my present from Susi. Cheers reach my ears although fake I am overwhelmed at this happening, this thought that only happened in my dreams. Being wanted. Being loved. Being appreciated or at least respected with human rights if not the werewolf rights that every werewolf is supposed to have.

"T Th Thank you." I choke out.

Teardrops silently stream down my face as I take deep breaths that they did this to me. Aria snaps out anger and frustration seeing off her in waves.

"What is wrong Aria?" I ask not bothering to hide my confusion as she is rarely angry, scratch that. She is NEVER angry.

"They are not doing this voluntarily." She snorts, "They are doing this to impress the visiting alpha and show how they are such a good pack. You don't even like Victoria sponge cake since it has jam in and I am sure they know that as well as the fact your favourite cake is chocolate cake."

I wince at her words knowing deep down she is right although I wish she wasn't, for I believed that they were better than they seemed. As they all rushed into the kitchen, they leave me standing in the hallway, alone, like I have been for the rest of my life. I blink slowly then, I place my backpack down on the floor, take my shoes off and walk slowly into the kitchen were the visiting alpha and the rest of my pack are holding the cake (again) but this time with 16 candles on. I smile tightly and blow out the candles savouring the stench of smoke, which reminds me of the woods and the peace and natural goings of the forests.

I quickly grab the knife and begin cutting slices at random and placing them onto the small stack of plates. Grabbing a plate with the cake and two spoons I quickly head up stairs using my homework as an excuse to escape from the crowds. As I am about to enter my room, I see the visiting alpha, who, did not give me his name! I think about it but then decide to ask him what it is.

"Hey, what exactly is your name?" I cautiously ask.

He smirks but his voice still remains strictly formal although kind, "My name is Caleb which means wholehearted in Hebrew."

My eyes widen at the act of being talked to like an equal. "H Ho How did you know that I am interested in linguistics and hidden meanings behind names?" I ask my, curiosity getting the better of me.

"I saw the books in you room on my tour of the house, although I am confused why a big wealthy pack and Alpha family decided to give you hand owns or less clothes than the rest of the family."

I blink, trying to quickly think up of a good answer.

"Oh, I decided to receive the old clothes and donate my money to charity, so the money will go people who need it more than me." I quickly smile then start backing into my room, "Anyway, I have to go and do my homework now. Bye."

When I get into my room, I just lie down onto my bed and think. Should I run away? Where should I go? Should I join another pack? My mind is a mess thinking about it and I get up and take out my few objects of good memories of my childhood. As I am reminiscing the memories of when I had friends and the hardest choice was whether I should go with my mom or dad to the park. Just as I am putting them away, I hear a knock on the door. I instantly shove them under my bed and stand up hoping to keep my voice study.

"Come in."

Susi quickly enters and gives me a worried look. I am about to ask why until she is followed by my so-called brother and his best friend. My brother smirks and says quietly but his voice is full of authority and dominance.

"Hey little sis. Happy Birthday."

I look up at him full of surprise, he never remembers my birthday. "Tha"

"Only speak when spoken to, little sis."

"But you did speak to me." My voice filled with confusion.

His eyes glint as I realise that I had fallen into their trap.

"Let's give her a lesson Jared." My brother smiles whilst he replies but as the fearful coward, I am I stay standing but my eyes staring at the ground.

Jared quickly replies, "Sure Czar."

They both quickly walk towards me footsteps echoing on the cold stone floor. My vision blurs as I am pushed onto the floor my knees smack down and I whimper in pain finally letting the breath out that I had been holding in. I close my eyes in pain and try to curl up in a ball to stop it from hurting. My nose starts to bleed, and my arms and stomach are covered in bruises and blood. I can't tell how long this went on but when they were done tears were streaming down my face whilst I whimpered in pain. Agony, pure white-hot agony racks my body and is all that I feel. I open my eyes to check if they are gone just as I breathe in an intoxicating sweet smell. I see Jared standing in front of me.

I blink my eyes checking that my vision is correct and I am not imagining or seeing him here. However, my nightmare vision remains, and I whimper in pain.

"Hello mate" He smiles happily at me, "I Jared Stone ... What was your name? Ah yes. I Jared Stone. Reject you Artemis. As my mate." He then turns on his heel and quickly leaves but not before,

I realise what he did.

My voice sore and body aching I whisper quietly under my breath not caring if he hears or not. "I accept", his decision decided my answer. I am leaving after my exams. My eyes flutter shut, and the world disappears from around me.

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