Chapter 15: Catching Up

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8 Years Later

Darkness surrounds me and I sigh in piece.  I have everything I could ever want including an amazing family who took me in and amazing friends. The past few years have been hectic but also the best years of my life. 

With a family who won't abuse me.

With a family who won't judge me.

A family who won't hurt me.

A family where I can bring up my child without living in fear.

So many things have changed, and I am so grateful for each change as it had bought me to where I am now.

Number 1 - On the 29th of February I gave birth to a baby girl, and I decided to name her Iola which could also mean a new start or violet coloured dawn. Her birthday is in a few days, and she is so excited for it! ... But I just want to give her the best life anyone could live and one of the most heart-breaking things is that when she asks about her father, I have to lie about me not knowing where they are because I CANNOT tell her that... that her father didn't want her.

 Can I??

Number 2 - I studied Psychology, Sociology and Drama for A level and I am now studying at a university nearby to become a social worker. I chose to become a social worker is because I don't want people like me to suffer because of other people, no matter who they are. 

Number 3 - Me, Heidi, Peggy and Charlie are really close now and spend time with each other when we are not busy with work or studying and sometimes, we hang out with their godchild. You would normally only have one godmother, but I felt that they all deserved it for all the help and support they gave me.

Number 4 - Charlie studied Biology, Chemistry and Maths for A level hoping to become a scientist to find cures for diseases. Heidi also studied Psychology, Sociology and English lit which meant we got to spend a lot of time together! However, she has decided to study psychotherapy to become a therapist later on. Peggy studied Computer Science, Business Studies and Environment Science. 

Number 5 - Me and Nate. Me and Nate have gotten closer since I met him, and we are now friends, and we hang out every now and then! He has even found his mate who is a really shy and sweet girl!

Number 6 - I think of Jared every now and then and if he regrets rejecting my daughter.

And me.

Almost every day I feel sharp pains in my stomach which I now know is from the mate bond and only happens if your mate sleeps with someone else which it seems like he has.

Number 7 - Even though I did not spend a lot of time with her, I find myself thinking of Ariadne a lot and if she has a mate or loved one. Each time I do this a sharp pang tears through my heart and I know that will never change even if I want it to.

Number 8 - When I have a spare time from studying, hanging out with my friends and looking after Iola I practice baking or cooking in the smaller kitchen, and I sometimes have lessons from the pack's main chefs. 

Iola really loves bright colours and the only time I saw her upset was when I told her about her father. Or when she asks and I can't tell her anything. I want to tell her. I want to tell her everything. But ... how can I? How can I tell her that her father is someone who raped me and rejected me? I can't let her grow up around that. 

I shout reaches my ears and I throw my blankets off me then walk into the room attached to mine. On a single bed is Iola. She has Jared's strawberry blonde hair but my eyes however with more colour inside and few freckles scattered on her face. She has rounded eyebrow and long eyelashes. At that moment she opens her eyes and whispers softly, "Mama?"

I whisper back to her, "Hey sweetie."

She smiles briefly before sitting up and I take that as an invitation to sit next to her.

"Did you have another nightmare, Iola?"

She nods sheepishly and I cuddle her, kissing her head.

"What was it about?"

"Daddy was with me and he wanted to stay with us," at this my heart broke in two for her, " Then there was this super villain chasing me and daddy disappeared."

I whisper to her as I continue the hug, " He will want you when he finds out about you as I didn't know when he left and we will protect you from any of the super villains, ok?"

She nods again and returns the hug. I give her some water and then tell her to go back to sleep or to sleep in my bed if it will help but she decided to stay in my bed. At the doorway to my room, I stop to stare at her. Sometimes looking at her hurts so much. Just because of what Jared did to her and because of how alike she looks to him. I love her with all of my heart, but it hurts all the same. Tears prick at my eyes, and I turn to leave. I end up sitting on my bed and reliving the last few times I was with Jared.

A few months after I had my child, after I had Iola, Aria started talking to me more and more. We have also shown Iola my wolf form even though she cannot transform. Even though we have had a long time together we still have not discussed Jared, but I can tell it hurts both of us. All we ever talk about now is Iola and how we can protect her.

I lie back on my bed and go back to sleep as the warmth and numbing darkness envelope me.

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