Chapter 18: Meeting

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The next morning I wake up Iola so we can get ready to meet Ariadne's pack. After we have both got changed, we go in search for my best friends who we eventually find in the dining area. I sit down at the table and Iola decides to sit on  my lap. Suddenly, a pain starts in my stomach but I try to pretend nothing is happening for Iola's sake as she know nothing about her dad which includes her not knowing that I can feel when he sleeps with another person. The pain from him sleeping with another person would slowly go away, you would think but each time it seems to become worse and worse and there is nothing I can do to change it.

Normally, we would have breakfast options however today we are waiting for the other pack to have a brunch. I decide with Iola to go to the lounge areas so she can watch her show and I can study in comfort as the chairs and sofas in the lounge are really comfortable and I love to sit in them. Whilst Iola watches her show I think about my job, it is not anything big but it helps earn money for a time when I can eventually move me and Iola into a flat or house of our own. As much as I love living with this pack I would also like a place to call my own and be able to have more privacy.

I realise I am way too tense at the moment to meet this new pack so I leave Iola in the lounge and I head off to the gym. When I reach the gym I place mitts on my hand and head to a punching bag where I practice different techniques I learnt with this pack to protect myself. My hands and legs ache but I still continue to attack the punching bag. Time passes quickly and Charlie has come to tell me to get ready to welcome the pack. I nod and rush to my room to have a shower and get changed. As I am rushing down the stairs the door opens and the pack comes in.

There were twins who had black hair but one had blue eyes and the other had brown, the one with a mischievous grin is called Liam whilst the more serious twin is called Elijah. Next to them was a tall female with short red hair and green eyes, she had a dimple and was smiling widely, and she is called Alex. Besides Alex is a blonde haired male who is on a wheelchair and he has blue eyes. Behind Aaron is Izzy who is a short female with shoulder length brown, curly hair and brown eyes. 

After Ariadne introduced these 5 I started talking to them and found out that Alex loved to climb trees whilst Aaron loved gardening and Izzy loves photography. As well as that Elijah loves practicing martial arts whilst Liam prefers to swim and act. Whilst I am getting to know them I realise how much I have in common with them and how they are actually nice which proves my previous fear wrong, showing that people can be nice because  they want to. When Ariadne finished introducing everyone we went into the main dining room where a long wooden table stood.

The food stood in different parts on the table and plates were laid at each chair. After the meal we would have a meeting with the other pack which would tell us why they were here in the first place. I sit down with the 5 people I just met, Iola and my best friends. We end up talking about our high school experience however I talk about mine as little as possible not wanting to relive it in that moment. taking a deep breath I give Iola some food then take some for myself. As I am eating a crepe Izzy asks me about places where she could take photos and I tell her about the pack garden which has a lake and many beautiful plants which she seems delighted at. Most of them have met their mates however Alex still hasn't just like Heidi however Peggy met her mate earlier today and it turned out to be Elijah! And Charlie had met her mate a few years ago however they have not seen each other since so they are not really together but I believe they will end up together eventually. When everyone had finished eating we all took our plates and packed them in the dishwasher. Then the adults walked into the meeting room whilst all the children (which there were not many) went into another room to watch a movie. I sat down with my friends and I guessed I would need to as another pack would not be staying here if it was not for a serious matter.

Ariadne, I had learnt was the Alpha's daughter as well so she sat near the front of the room whilst I sat at the back. She had not changed much since when I last saw her and I wonder whether she has found her mate yet. Surprisingly, as she is the alpha's only child she will become a female alpha which is really rare so I hope it can make a difference to the werewolves slightly patriarchal society. A loud noise resonates through the room and I jump slightly then bring myself back to my senses, the meeting has started.

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