Chapter 16: Party Crashing

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A few days after the night of Iola's nightmare, her birthday arrived. Luckily it was a Saturday so she had no school, and we could prepare a party for her and her friends because unlike me at my old school she actually had friends! We baked an Oreo cake the night before for her and we were placing balloons everywhere around the house. There was also a blue balloon in the shape of an eight as that was her favourite colour. Presents were place around the house for her to find, a tradition we made to make a part more exciting.

When we had finished setting up everything for her and her friends we walked into her room with pancakes and eight candles on top of them whilst singing happy birthday. To make sure she woke up we switched on her light. As she ate breakfast in bed, she talked about how excited she was for the party later with her friend and I smile whilst her godmothers laugh and chat with her. However, before she can finish her breakfast Ajax runs into the room and asks to talk to me. I nod quickly and leave Iola with her god moms. 

Outside of Iola's room I question Ajax, "What did you need me for?"

He looks sheepish and begins talking," Welllll ... we are meeting a new pack or rather a pack we are friends with, and I just wanted to tell you in case anyone from that pack has hurt you or something." He exclaims in a rush.

I nod and decide, "I will see who it is but if they did hurt me be prepared for a fight from me."

He nods and smiles, "Ok, that was all, wish happy birthday to Iola from me."

I nod and return back to Iola. "Hi sweetie."

She smiles back but cannot say anything due to her mouth being full of food. After she has finished eating, she goes to have a shower and I think about who the people in this pack could be and when they would be arriving. When Iola had finished her shower and got changed, we went downstairs, and she begun to look for her presents. After finding all of them she found a few DVD's, books, toys and a few clothes she wanted. It wasn't much but it was better than nothing which was all I got on my birthday. As she finished unwrapping her presents, I suggested to play a game of hide and seek. Everyone agreed and I decided to begin counting, and that is how the rest of my morning passed. 

A shrill ringing reaches my ears and I realise that a guest has arrived. Giving up my hiding place I start to walk towards the door but before I get there Iola's voice reaches me, "Mommy you're out!"

I smile and turn around, "Ok, but you're first friend is here!"

She squeals with excitement, and I turn to open the door and behind it to see a mom and a young girl with short   black hair. I smile and begin to say, " Hello, welcome i..."

The mom interrupts me and asks, "Can I speak to Iola's mom please?"

I smile briefly before I continue to talk, "I am Iola's mom. Anyway, what time would you like to pick your child up?"

"Oh, you're her mom?"

I nod and question to her, "What time would you like to pick her up?"

"Umm, is their anyone else here?"

Before I can say something, Ajax comes to the door and starts to talk with the mom. Finally, she seems to have accepted that I am the mom and decides on picking her child up at 5:30 pm. As we are taking Iola and her friend in Ajax suggests for him to answer the door in case of a repeat of the event and I quickly nod in agreement. Whilst Ajax is answering the doors Iola introduces me to her friends and there are 5 called: Olivia, Emma, Mia, Ava and Riley.

 We begin the party by giving Iola her presents, then we have lunch which consists of pizza and other junk foods like crisps and cookies. As everyone is eating, I ask what they want to do after they have finished and we decide on a game of pass the parcel, followed by hide and seek it. During pass the parcel we try to make sure everyone receives some kind of prize and luckily, they do. When the parcel is finally fully unwrapped, I go to the kitchen and light eight candles on Iola's cake. I carry it out slowly trying not to blow out the candles whilst singing happy birthday with everyone else. I place it down in front of Iola and she blows them out with a big grin on her face which makes me smile.

The shrill and consistent sound of the doorbell reaches my ears and I get up asking Heidi to cut the cake. As I reach the door I breath in before placing a smile on my face. I open the door slowly only to see a person who I already knew. I focus on my breathing trying to calm down my increasing heart rate as I look at a person who I never thought I would see again. 

"Hi Artemis."

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