Chapter 24: Regret

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His eyes widen and his face is deathly pale. He stares at me for a while then asks, "Artemis?"

I roll my eyes at his slow uptake to who I was, I mean we were siblings! And he cannot even recognise me and I doubt his wolf did either although, it would be easier for his wolf to recognize me. "Hey Czar" I repeat from earlier.

His look of shock had not been replaced yet and his mouth is open like a fish as he tries to register why I am here. Then, realising the obvious, he asked who injured me.

I roll my eyes again, "Why would you care? I suffered a lot worse from you when I was younger."

This time he raises his voice, "Who did this to you, Artemis?"

The use of my name made me change my mind as it is the first time he has actually used it, from what I can remember, "I didn't see as they stabbed me in the back when I was talking to Jared."

He frowns slightly before asking, "Why were you talking to Jared?"

"That is your only question? Not 'Did you see anything else or something'? Anyway why wouldn't I talk to him if I had the chance as he is my mate and I have a child who he is the father of."

"Wait, Jared can't be your mate, he has a mate called Chelsea." his face turns pale again, "Did you say he raped you?" he asks quietly. 

I stare at him, the first few words he stated ran through my head: he has a mate called Chelsea, he has a mate called Chelsea, he has a mate called Chelsea, he has a mate called Chelsea, he has a mate called Chelsea.

The words blur in my head as I breath in and out. I am eventually shocked out of my daze, I wince as Czar shakes my arm, "Czar stop, you do realize I was stabbed?"

He let go and smiled sheepishly at me before going on to ask me what happened after I ran away. I told him everything including things about Ariadne and how I met Jared again, where he then rejected my daughter. When I finished explaining everything Czar asked if he could see my daughter to which I replied, "Yeah, you can, ask the guards for her."

He turned around after pacing in the room, "What do you mean my guards have her?"

"I saw her this morning when Jared visited and I have not seen her since so I have no idea where else she could be unless you want to ask Jared about it?" 

"So, your daughter, Iola, is here?"

"That's what I said" I mutter as my voice cracks.

He strides towards the door and opens it, letting it slam shut. I cannot hear whatever they are saying but at this point I am too tired too. As I wait for my brother to come back into the room I wonder who won the fight and where my friends were. My brother soon stormed in, disturbing me from my daze,  following him is a scared Iola but as she notices me she relaxes slightly. Czar closes the door after Iola and I hold my hand out to her so she knows she is safe and that she can stay with me.

My brother is just staying in the background as I talk to Iola and let her know that she is now safe. Glancing up I mouth a thank you at Czar hoping he knows what I mean, however he shakes his head slightly as if to say that I had to do this for you or something and I slowly smile at him. I continue hugging Iola, hoping she feels safe with me now. As I hug her all I am thinking is that I love her, I love her, I love her, I love her, I love her.

Too soon Czar interrupts saying, "I will get a bed prepared for her in this room so you can stay together."

I nod and whisper a soft, "Thank you" back to him, as he walks out of the room.

I look down and smile, although I am still in pain I feel content that Iola will not get hurt and will be able to stay here safely due to my changed brother. As I look down a whisper softly, "I love you."

Silence remains but that is enough.

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