Chapter 19: Foes or Friends

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The leader of our pack, Ajax, stands up with Ariadne's father as they call everyone's attention to what this meeting is about. Ariadne's father starts by introducing himself, "Hello everyone. My name is Caleb and I am the leader of the Moon Pack."

I gasp in surprise that this is the same person who visited my old pack when I was 16. He continues to speak and I try to keep my thoughts away so I can find out why they are here.

"...ghter, Ariadne."

Ajax takes his queue to introduce himself and starts to speak, " I am Ajax, Alpha of the Blue Star Pack and we have gathered everyone here today to announce something that will effect all of us."

Caleb continues to speak, " As we are allies we have decided to stay together until the threat has passed or until we defeat the threat."

Someone I don't know calls out, "What threat? The Moon pack is allies with all packs."

Caleb answers as if it was all planned and expected, maybe it was, "We were allies with all packs until eight years ago one pack broke off from our alliance due to us not being able to help them in a search." My blood goes cold and it drains from my face as I try to listen to see if my assumption was correct.

" We would not help there pack in the search for their daughter as when I visited they mistreated her and treated her a a toy. Furthermore, we had evidence that she ran away from them on her free will. As well a result the pack have a had a long grudge and blame us for their daughters disappearance. A few weeks ago they declared war on us for as they think we are hiding their Alpha Czar's mate although he has already looked in our pack. Due to the fact that the Shadow Pack has declared war on us Alpha Ajax decided for us to band together as we are allies and both dislike the Shadow Pack."

Ajax decides to interrupt Alpha Caleb's speech and I am warmed by his words, "The cause of this war is no one's fault but the Shadow Pack as they have declared war on our allies for no good reason and they just want to bully someone around. During the next few weeks you will train for a fight in your spare time or to help the medical staff we have."

Caleb uses the silence to tell everyone, "You are all dismissed from this meeting."

A chorus of voices reach my ears and I shake my head as I stand up. As I escape the overcrowded room I decide to head to my room where I could have some water and think about what had happened. War was declared. On my old pack.

I don't know what to do as I couldn't abandon this pack but I don't think I could face any of my birth family again. Let alone to kill them without getting myself hurt. Sure, I know I sound so selfish right now but if it happens again I don't think I could help myself from doing something that I shouldn't. 

I enter my room, shutting the door with a noise that shocks me out of my state. After everything they have done to me I will show them the least I can do to them in return. I will fight for my pack. And I am not saying that I am an amazing fighter that could change the tide of the war but I will fight for myself and everything this pack has given me including a home. My heart beats faster and I smile grimly, ready to face what happens next. I take in a deep breath and walk to the gym so I can do some training before I have to get everything ready for Iola and my dinner.

In the gym I practice fighting one of the instructors (who turned out to be Elijah) until one of us is defeated. 'Surprise' it was me. They ended up giving me tips on fighting techniques and how to include more power as well as partial shifts to use claws during a fight. After he gave me his criticism I headed to one of the punching bags to practice the different techniques to improve my fighting. When my arms and legs started to hurt too much I moved to an empty space in the side to stretch. It is not like I am really good at stretching but it helps stop your muscles from hurting as much and it can help with your range to kick at a different level. 

Whilst I was stretching I thought about what the war could mean for me and Iola. I would have to fight against Susi even though she helped me escape. Also Iola could be hurt as her dad is in that pack and it is pretty obvious as the look pretty similar. Furthermore, I may face teachers or other students from the school who think I am missing. A tear slips down my cheek and I touch it in surprise. The fight would not be easy but it help my new pack no mater the cost to myself, the only 'cost'  I would not pay is what Iola could go through as a result of the war.

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