Chapter 8: Attempting Murder

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Chapter 8: Attempting murder

Adrenaline rushes through my veins as I smile for the first time in what feels like forever but is actually more like 8 years. I am ready. The door slowly opens and a bright light spills into the dark room. A black shoe enters and I tense on the edge of my bed, feet planted on the floor tensed to get to them. The door closes with a small thud and they all turn to face me.

Adrenaline rushes through me as I pounce onto the floor, I stand up and wrench a dagger from one of their sheath's and take one step back. Worry is etched onto their faces as I grimly smile and lift the dagger up to my  neck. As I raised it they tensed, as if I was going to try and hurt them. Realisation dawned on the female's face as she lunges towards me reaching for the dagger just as it reaches my throat. It spins out of my hands and lands on the floor with a sharp clang. My throat has a thin line across it, weeping blood. I sway on my feet and collapse onto my knees. My eyes flutter shut as I feel myself being picked up.

I wake up in the same room but with monitors around me beeping and a bunch or random needles stuck on my arms. A red light breaks through the darkness and my breathing is shallow and slow. My eyes close as I release a silent yawn. 

I wake up again to find the female who saved me sitting next to me in a brown chair.  She notices that I am awake and quickly turns to face me whilst talking, "Hi, my name is Ariadne. I saved you earlier. You now have a cut against your neck and will eventually be a scar. Also your legs and arms are severely injured and may take several days with werewolf healing."

I hear the weight behind what she is saying but it does not register. I also hear the underlying question underneath her steely and determine manner. Why did you try to kill yourself?

" My name is Artemis. Thank you for earlier, me and my wolf have been going through some rough times."

She smiles softly and her blonde hair curves around her face, "Everyone does or will at some point of their life".

"Still thank you."

"I had to do it, whilst you were in the hospital we discovered that you were pregnant and we couldn't let you go without knowing that."

Silence fills the air and my breathing echoes in my ears as three words echoe around me. YOU WERE PREGNANT. My voice finally breaks through my haze as I ask in a harsh monotone, "What do you mean 'were'?"

Her voice is soft and quiet compared to mine, "You are still pregnant, if that is what you are asking."

I inhale sharply. I need to tell the father; I need to tell Jared Stone. My voice is a whisper now, full of exhaustion and desperation, "I need to tell the father, can I have some clothes and food ... and I will never bother you again."

"If that is what you wish. We cannot keep you prisoner here for doing nothing wrong." Her smile is soft and delicate and a sudden urge of longing rushes through me, for someone who will let me be me and love me for it.

"That is what I want, thank you though for everything."

The steely demeanour is back, an armour around something I do not know.

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