Chapter 2: Appearances

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Chapter 2: Appearances

I wake up from my sleep, the sun shining through my thin, sky-blue curtains as I turn my head to face my alarm clock. 4:00 AM. 'Great!' A whole hour till I need to get up. I always do this, and I can't help it. I just always wake up way to early all the damn time. I get up anyway and look at myself in my full-length mirror. My dark auburn hair hangs straight past my shoulders, just reaching the bottom of my back. My dull brown lifeless eyes stare back at me underneath them heavy bags outlining my eyes. A few freckles are in a line over my nose as small lips start to smile. I am "4.95" inches with small curvy hips. I have a plain black top on with black shorts. I walk to the bathroom and start to brush my teeth whilst thinking about tomorrow. Tomorrow the 14th of May. My 16th Birthday. Where, allegedly, I will find my mate and spend eternity with them in happiness. And I hope all of that is true because I could use someone to talk to and support me. But that is if it is true at all.

After I brush my teeth, I got into the shower and start to wash myself with soap. Then I wash my hair with shampoo and conditioner. After that I rinse it out and start to dry the hot water off myself. I start to walk back to my bedroom and start to close the door, letting my cat in, and locking it.

Yes, I have a cat.

She is called Fly Fly short for Firefly and she is a ginger colour with bright green eyes. Fly Fly is the only reminder that my pack was or can ever be kind. I got her when I was 5 and she was a new-born, she is quite old for cat's age and is very slim, but I love her, and she is the most important part of my life.

At that point I hear my small alarm clock go off in my room. I quickly pull on my uniform – a skirt with tights and a shirt with a yellow tie and a grey blazer with a gold outline-, hurrying downstairs to start making breakfast. However, this is mainly my easiest chore as I just have to get different cereals out along with milk. I then walk to a small cupboard and get out some food for Fly Fly and a small bowl of shreddies and chocolate granola with milk. I sit at the table and quickly eat my food, hoping to avoid my parents and siblings.

No such luck.

"Omega" screeches a high pitch female voice.

I stand rushing to my parent's bedroom.

"Yes, Alpha and Luna?" I question quietly to my parents.

My dad now replies "Did you clean the kitchen last night? As well as the table and sweeping the floors?"

"Yes, I have done all of that and I have gotten breakfast ready" I quickly interrupt hoping he won't have anything else for me to do now.

"Very well, Artemis" My dad spits out, "You may leave."

I turn on my heel quickly walking out of my room as I pick up my school bag which I packed last night and start my half an hour journey to school. As I walk, I start listening to my treasured Mp3 player. Each person in our pack, no matter who, has an allowance since 12 or younger, I had been saving up for this for over 2 years to buy it. Whilst I listen to music I wonder where it all went wrong. Where all this hatred started, why all of it started and just at me, the alpha's daughter. His Omega daughter. A sense of comfort flows through me and I know that this is my wolf Aria which is the Italian version of Ariel which means 'Lioness of God'. Although neither of us have lived up to our name I know we will always be the best friends that I can only dream of.

{Past memories}

I am roughly 8 years old, and I am sitting down, playing with a wooden wolf toy given to me by my brother. I start to think about when I will have a wolf. Although, I know you only get your wolf when you are 12 I can't wait to see her and have someone who will be by me for life!

I start screaming as I thrash in agony on the steps of the house. I can't see anything, but I can hear a rush of footsteps on the wooden floor. My eyes shut properly, rushing me into darkness.

I wake up but I don't know what has happened or how long I've been out. I try to stand but my legs wobble as I soon collapse on myself, when I do I notice I have paws instead of feet. At the noise my family come into the room, and I whimper at the anger on their faces. I then black out again.

From then on, the rules for me and my wolf had started. I stop the music half-way through Waving through a window (which is in Dear Evan Hansen) in my musical playlist. Taking out my black earbuds, I place them into my case as I walk into my school -which is called Woodcreek High School- past the crowds and small groups gathering and into a small corner by the door. I sit down on the cold floor and get out Legendborn by Tracy Deonn. Opening it up a take out my magnetic bookmark which has brown and white cat on and start to read. Just as I am about to start a new chapter a shadow hovers over the page. Looking up I see it is the school bully but before he or I can do anything the bell rings causing me to run inside for the start of period 1: Drama. As I enter the Drama studio the hum of gentle chatter in the corridor reaches me:

"... that girl in Drama is so weak and such a loser. I bet that she isn't even the Alpha's and Luna's daughter!"

"Dahlia! You know you are not supposed to talk about her being their daughter. But you are right she shouldn't be allowed to stay here. The useless thing."

Anger fills my vision and I know that my eyes are darkening as my wolf and anger start to take over me. I quickly slip into the Drama studio fully and head to a seat in the space. Sitting down I get my books and pencil case out quickly checking I have done my homework from yesterday. I slowly breath in and out, in and out trying to cool my temper knowing that it was no worse to what I have to normally listen to.

My teacher Miss Holcomb is a fun and light-hearted person who makes it easy to learn and remember important facts. She is also human which is one thing I am glad about is that it is a human and werewolf school allowing me to have some friendly conversation at school. However, before you ask, I do not know about any other mythical creature although I have always been fascinated with the ideas of phoenixes. As Miss Holcomb begins to talk, I sigh thinking about how all the teachers will begin with lecture about our GCSEs. I start to take notes on model answers and questions we may be asked.

After, drama I quickly walk outside to a courtyard with two netball and tennis courts on. I continue on into the girls changing rooms where I change into a grey top and skort, finally finishing with thick PE socks and a pair of trainers. Now, fully changed I head outside to wait for our teacher and the rest of my class. As 7 other students come out my teacher asks what the others are doing, knowing that the few girls left will be doing their hair. As Miss Tenning starts to explain what we are doing – Netball- I start to think of the rest of the day. At the end of period 2 and halfway through Pe a group of 2 women and 1 man in suits come out carrying clipboards. Everyone stops until my teacher yells at everyone to carry on the game. Continuing I wonder why our school is being inspected.

The rest of the day passes in a blur as I choose to have some curry for lunch with rice and naan as well as studying for my subjects during Lunch and break. As I reached 'home' I heard a murmur of voices. Wondering what was going on I questioned whether I should use my once-a-month shift rule now or if I should save it for tomorrow. I decided to ignore my curiosity and I entered the house creeping in to try and hear what was happening. My fear rolls off me as I notice my so-called dad staring at me. He announces to the unknown person that "My youngest daughter Artemis has arrived home from Woodcreek High School where she studying her GCSEs."

The man it seems replies to my dad but as I listen in, I realise he is talking to me! "What subjects are you studying Artemis?"

I stare blankly at the person I answer, "I am studying Drama, PE, Triple Science, Geography, History, English and Maths" I add in quickly "Sir." Realising I do not know who he is.

"I am the Alpha of the Moon Pack and I am on business to talk to our allying packs including the Alpha of the Shadow Pack."

I nod quickly in reply and quickly grab my cat Fly Fly as I head downstair into my room. I lie on my bed and start to do my homework from today hoping that the guest will ward off my families' attacks. I start to circle the map of scars that is on me remembering each time I was beaten including the first time. Like that I fall asleep.

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