Chapter 6: After exams

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Chapter 6: After exams

The past 2 weeks have been torture: with me reliving that gruesome and bloodcurdling night, to me receiving no sleep and my mate (well ex-mate) going out with some blonde girl. Worst of all I get pains in my stomach and lower area for no reason, and I don't know why. Furthermore, this has taken a grave toll on Aria. She does not know what to do or how to deal with the pain of what he did to us. Actually, I am changing the worst thing. The worst thing is that Aria has disappeared. My best friends. My only friend is gone, and I cannot change that.

I walk back home, hurrying, hoping to get of this rain. As I am

Running a car comes up to me and drives into a massive puddle on the road. The water arcs over me then collapses and drenches me even more. My hair falls out of the hairband and I shive noticing my white top has become part see through whilst my jumper and jacket are soaked in the freezing water penetrating me more with the water when I move.

After ages and ages of walking in the hailing weather I finally reached 'home'. Stumbling inside I kicked my shoes off and hurried to my room dumping my school bag down on the floor. I collapse on my bed and get out a book from my bag, a week after Susi's original present to me she got me a book that also had a small note on.

Hi Artemis,

I know you will probably be wondering why I got you another present but this one is to make up for the loss of presents over the past several years and for me being a terrible sister. Hope you enjoy this book; I find the author is able to teach you morals and lessons that you have never thought of.


With Fly Fly next to me I continue with my book smiling as I live the protagonist's life stuck in the fantasy world not in the shithole of reality. A loud scream of my name echoes in my ears pulling me out of the fantasy world. I quickly put it down and rush downstairs being careful not to fall on the floors. Entering the kitchen, I mumble quietly to the floor, "I'm here."

They all turn to me midst discussion and Susi breaks out into a beautiful smile whilst me 'dad' just stands their glaring at me. Alpha Caleb smiles politely at me and speaks quietly to me, "Your parents and I have been discussing for you to go on a tour with me or by yourself to visit some other packs o gain useful knowledge if you ever need to be alpha or to find your mate or a new home."

At the last part of what he said I winced remembering the rejection and what happened after as it flashes round my head so I can't escape from it. Coming back to my senses I realise that I am standing in front of the Alpha who gives me a questioning look. I feel dizzy and lightheaded as I reply, "I'm sorry but I think I will stay here instead with my family."

His jaw tenses and he quickly replies, "Of course, I shall then leave tonight for my pack, thank you for having me."

He quickly walks out of the room, out of my sight and I realise what he just said. Panic rises in me like a tidal wave drowning me. My face is ghostly pale, and my eyes are wide as my heart thunders in my head. Echoes in my ears. As I slowly look up my Dad's face wears a sinister smile showing his sharp teeth whilst his eyes have a cruel glint to them telling me that I am going to pay for what happened the last few days. Goosebumps crawl up my arms as I continue staring at this so-called parent.

We are gathered outside clouds covering this area as they slowly pass on leaving behind darker and fiercer clouds. A dark blue car stands in front of us with the boot wide open as Alpha Caleb packs his bags inside. Soon enough, all his bags are packed, and he starts hugging my family one by one, finally coming to me last. As he hugs me, my eyes water from the act of affection which I only get from my wolf, who is now gone. Nodding in out direction once again he gets into his car and begins driving away.

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