Chapter 9; The Great Game

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“Mycroft never texts if he can talk.” Sherlock tilted his head, irritated. “Look, Andrew West stole the missile plans, tried to sell them, and got his head bashed in for his pains. End of story. The real mystery is why my brother is so determined to bore me when someone else is being so delightfully interesting.” Sherlock said gleefully.

John frowned. “Try to remember there’s a woman who might die.”

“What for?” Sherlock asked provocatively. “This hospital is full of people dying, Doctor. Why don’t you go cry at their bedsides and see what good it does them?”

John blinked in disbelief. Y/N scowled, disagreeing with absolutely everything Sherlock had just said. Her gut told her there was more to the West case than Sherlock was willing to see and she texted Mycroft, agreeing to look into it.

Y/N tried to lean on the tabled, placing her hands on the edge for support. She stood back up abruptly with a pained hiss. She touched her bandaged palms, reminded of her recent brush with the bomber’s capabilities.Y/N saw Sherlock watching her in her periphery and noted the way his posture changed, tensing slightly and moving towards her with concern.

The laptop by her elbow beeped as the substance Sherlock was testing found a match. At nearly the same moment, Molly came cheerfully through the lab doors.

“Any luck?” She asked, coming to look at the computer monitor.

“Oh yes!” Sherlock said.

A man came in through the doors, noticing the crowd assembled. “Oh! Sorry! I didn’t, erm….” He exclaimed, but came in anyway.

“Jim, hi! Come in, come in!” Molly said in happy surprise.

Y/N scanned the newcomer, goosebumps rising on her arms as an uncertainty fell upon her. He had short dark hair and a high forehead. He was of average height, with a bit of a slouch. A silver chain necklace disappeared under the collar of his tight fitting low v-neck tee shirt. He wasn’t slim or muscular, and his neon green underwear peeked out above the waistband of his pants. He wore a calculator watch on his left wrist. He spoke with a sort of lilting sing-songy voice that was somewhere between bass and tenor. His eyes were dark, and Y/N had the vague impression that she could see something moving behind the irises.

The name, spoken with such enthusiasm by her friend, told Y/N that this was Molly’s new boyfriend, Jim from IT. Upon first inspection Y/N might have guessed that he was gay.

He really made her feel…off. Something about him seemed surreal and a bit frightening. Better that he is gay, she thought, then maybe he’ll leave Molly alone and be creepy somewhere else.

“Jim, this is Sherlock Holmes, Y/N Hudson, and John Watson.” Molly introduced.

“Hi,” Jim said to you and John before fixating on Sherlock. “So you’re Sherlock Holmes? Molly’s told me all about you. Are you on one of your cases?”

“Jim works in IT upstairs. That’s how we met.” Molly said proudly. “Office romance.”

Jim chuckled, moving around to the other side of Sherlock. Y/N didn’t budge, making sure that she was leaning against the table next to Sherlock and keeping Jim at least a little farther away. Sherlock finally moved his gaze away from the microscope. “Gay.” Sherlock said not-so-subtly.

“I’m sorry, what?” Molly asked, angrily.

“Nothing, erm, hey.” He corrected, smiling at Jim. Y/N shot him a warning look, pleading silently for him to be nice to Molly.

“Hey,” Jim returned, that creepy smile still plastered on his face. She had no idea why, but Y/N felt like she should run away from Jim, or maybe also punch him in the face. He put a hand down to lean on the table and knocked over an empty sample tray.

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