Chapther 37: The Sign Of Three

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The girls were headed out to a bar in Covent Garden, called The Escapologist. It had a fun, Victorian secret society theme that Y/N and Mary found charming and the other girls would forget about after a few drinks.

Y/N sat between Mary and Janine, another of Mary's friends. Janine was very nice, and after a round of shots, Y/N grew pretty fascinated by her accent.

"So you're from America, then?" Janine asked while they ate some pizza.

"Born here, grew up there, and now I'm back." Y/N said.

"I've only been twice. New York and Vegas. Are the men always more attractive in America?" Janine wondered.

Y/N laughed. "Not to me. They're just...bolder, I guess."

"Hmm, I like bold." Janine said. "Not like that guy at the bar who's been staring but doing nothing about it for ten minutes."

"You wouldn't want to get with him anyway." Y/N said. "He's married, and though convincing, that's not his real hair."

"How'd you know that?" Janine asked in wonder.

"Deduction." Y/N said.

"Oh, you and I are going to be great friends." Janine declared.

Around ten, Y/N's phone lit up with a call from Sherlock.

"Excuse me a moment." She said, slipping away from the loud party room.

"Hello, Sherlock. How's the stag night going?"

"'S good." He slurred. "I have an internasshhional reputation. For, um, the, er, murder, looking, thing."

"Crime solving?" Y/N suggested, trying not to laugh.

"Yessss, that." Sherlock agreed. "You always know what―" He hiccuped. "What I mean. Nobody ever knows what I think, but"


"You know, I've make me think, wait no, feel, yes, feel difffferent than I ever have. Like there a, uh, um, a whatchamacallit, a squeezy thing in my chest when I see you. It's a chemical defect, you know,, but I don't really....mind anymore."

Y/N held her hand to her heart.

"Well, good." She said.

"HELLO Y/N!" John's voice blared through the phone.

"Hi John."

"Is Mary funning have?" He asked.

"Yes, she is."

"Gooooood, good." He said. "Hang on, there are no strippers, right?"

"Not at this party, no." Y/N said. "Although Janine might start if she has another pint..."

"Okay good, good."


"Yeah." He burped.

"Go drink some water, and make sure Sherlock does too." She said.

"Yeah, okay."

"Come on, mate, let'sssss go." She heard him say to Sherlock.

Sherlock's voice came back on the line. "Where are you, Y/N?"

"At the hen do, Sherlock."

"Yeah, but where? I want to come see you and stuff." He whined.

"No boys allowed, sorry love." She said. "I'll see you in the morning, it's not that long from now."

"No it's toooooo long." He argued.

She heard John again, trying to get him to go.

"Goodbye, beautiful intelligent Y/N."

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