Chapter 22: The Hound Of Bakersvilles

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"Ever heard of a spot check?" John asked, getting out his ID. "Captain John Watson, Fifth Northumberland Fusiliers"

"Sir." Corporal Lyons saluted him.

"Agent Y/N Hudson, MI6." Y/N introduced, flashing her own badge.

The corporal bowed his head in acknowledgment. "Major Barrymore won't be pleased, sir. He'll want to see you all."

"Oh, we won't have time for that." Y/N said. "We'll be needing a full tour."

Corporal Lyons hesitated.

"Right away, carry on. That's an order Corporal." John commanded.

"Yes, sir." Lyons complied, opening the security door.

They walked briskly down a white walled corridor, brightly lit by fluorescents and smelling like antiseptic.

"Nice touch." Sherlock muttered to John.

"Haven't pulled rank in ages." The doctor admitted.

"Was it fun?" Y/N asked.

"Oh, yeah."

They turned a corner and got into an elevator, again accessed using Mycroft's ID. Corporal Lyons pressed the button for sublevel one, and Y/N noted that there were 6 sublevels and a floor labelled 'B'.

The elevator doors opened to reveal a sterile lab. People in white coats were working at desks and at lab stations. Lyons led them past a row of large metal cages. A monkey flew at the bars, screeching. Y/N stumbled, letting out a small gasp. Sherlock placed a hand on her back to steady her as they kept walking.

"How many animals do you keep down here?" Sherlock asked, returning his hands to his pockets.

"Lots, sir." Lyons replied.

"Any ever escape?" Sherlock inquired.

"They'd have to know how to use that lift, sir. We're not breeding them that clever."

"Unless they have help." Sherlock suggested.

A tall, older man in a hazmat suit approached them. "Ah, and you are?" He asked.

"It's alright, Dr. Frankland," Lyons assured. "I'm just showing them around."

"Ah, new faces, how nice." Frankland smiled. "Careful you don't get stuck here, though. I only came to fix a tap." He walked by, heading for the elevator.

"How far down does that lift go?" John wondered.

"Quite a way, sir." Lyons answered.

"Mhm. And what's down there?" John followed up.

"Well, we have to keep the bins somewhere, sir." Lyons said cheekily. "This way please, everyone."

"What exactly do you do here?" Y/N asked.

"I thought you'd know, ma'am, this being an inspection." Lyons evaded.

"I'm not an expert on this, Corporal, am I?" She replied.

"Everything from stem cell research to trying to cure the common cold, ma'am." Lyons elaborated.

"Chiefly weaponry?" She asked.

"Of one sort or another, yes." The soldier confirmed.

"Biological? Chemical?" John chimed in.

"One war ends, another begins, sir." Lyons half-answered. "New enemies to fight. We have to be prepared."

The group went through another security door and down a corridor before coming to a different lab. Two doctors stood around an exam table where a monkey sat, screeching and waving its arms.

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