Chapter 18; A Scandal In Belgravia

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Knock knock.

Y/N turned away from the cork board on her wall with case photos displayed on it to see Dr. John Watson in her office doorway. Her face lit up as she rushed over to give him a hug.

“I come bearing lunch!” He said, presenting her with a large paper bag that smelled of Chinese takeaway.

She hadn’t realized how hungry she was until her stomach growled loudly at the scent of lo mein.

“Have I told you lately how much I love you?” She asked, ushering him inside.

“Probably,” John chuckled. “But it never hurts to hear it again.”

“Well, I love you very much.” Y/N smiled, pulling the armchair closer to her desk so they could sit together while they ate.

“How are you feeling?” John inquired as Y/N dug in to her noodles ravenously.

Y/N gingerly touched the yellowish bruise on her cheek from The Woman’s riding crop.

“By about ten I wasn’t dizzy at all, and the nausea was gone when I woke up, so I don’t think she stuck me with any long-lasting poison.” Y/N answered. “How is Sherlock?”

“Oh he’s more than fine.” John intoned.

“What does that mean?” Y/N asked curiously and admittedly a bit frightened.

“Irene Adler returned his coat in the middle of the night and left him with little gift.” John explained. “She’s been texting him, and every time he gets it, his phone makes this really sexual moan. I’m pretty sure it’s her voice in the recording.” John laughed. “It’s been making your mum terribly uncomfortable.”

“Is Sherlock replying to any of her texts?” Y/N asked.

“I don’t know. Why?”

“He just seemed very…taken with her.” Y/N replied, trying to sound nonchalant.

John tilted his head, studying her. Y/N was clearly avoiding his gaze, pretending to be engrossed in the contents of her Chinese food container. John wasn’t as observant as Sherlock or Y/N, but he didn’t miss the hurt on her face.

“Anyway, Mycroft has taken us off the case.” John changed the subject. “What are you working on?”


The fall passed away in a rotating cycle of work for Y/N, small cases for the boys and evening visits for all three. Y/N endured fifty-six of Miss. Adler’s moaning text messages over the months. They arrived during dinner, while reading in the living room, in the middle of conversations, and on and on.

Sherlock grew more and more fascinated by the dominatrix each day and Y/N felt more ashamed of her feelings. When Mrs. Hudson had a hip operation in early December, Y/N would often use the excuse of taking care of her mother to avoid coming upstairs. John watched it all, eternally unsure of what to do.

Y/N looked forward to the holidays, hoping for a nice evening surrounded by friends and family to lift her up out of her pit of self-pity.

It didn’t go as she had hoped.

Sherlock played the last few notes of “We Wish You a Merry Christmas” on his violin, getting applause and praise from his small audience.

“Oh, I wish you could’ve worn the antlers!” Mrs. Hudson laughed.

“Some things are best left to the imagination Mrs. Hudson.” Sherlock replied.

John and his girlfriend, Jeanette, came round offering drinks.

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