Chapter 34: The Empty Hearse

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Sherlock turned to the case board. "Lord Moran, he's a Peer of the Realm, normally he'd sit in the House. Tonight there's an all-night sitting to vote on the new anti-terrorism bill. But he won't be there, not tonight. Not the fifth of November."

"'Remember, remember.'" John said.

"'Gunpowder, treason, and plot!'" Sherlock finished.

"We need to call Howard Chilcott." Y/N said.

Howard spoke over video chat. "There's nothing down there, Mr. Holmes. I told you. No sidings, no ghost stations."

Sherlock searched the maps strewn across the kitchen table. "There has to be. Check again."

"This whole area is a big mess of old and new stuff." John said. "Charing Cross is made up of bits of older stations like Trafalgar Square, Strand."

"It's none of those, we've accounted for those." Sherlock said.

"St. Margaret Street, Bridge Street, Sumatra Road, Parliament Street..." Y/N suggested, cross-referencing an old map.

"Hang on, hang on, Sumatra Road." Howard said. "You mentioned Sumatra Road, Ms. Hudson. There is something! I knew it rang a bell. Yes. There was a station down there."

"Well, why wasn't it on the maps?" John asked.

"Because it was closed before it ever opened." Howard explained. "They built the platforms, even the staircases, but it all got tied up in legal disputes, so they never built the station on the surface."

Howard pointed to it on a map.

"It's right under the Palace of Westminster." Y/N breathed.

"So what's down there? A bomb?" John asked.

Sherlock and Y/N both made for the door, grabbing coats and gloves on the way.

"Oh." John said, scrambling to follow.

Y/N hailed a separate cab. "You take John to Westminster. I'll go to MI6 and call you a back-up team." She said.

"What? No, I need-" Sherlock protested.

"You have John." She said. "I have to go deal with a certain rat."

Sherlock smiled briefly as she got into her taxi and he and John got into the other.

Y/N reached her office, and picked up her phone, dialing the secure line to her team.

"Red five, this is Agent Hudson, I need bomb squad at 51.4995 degrees North, 0.1248 degrees West. There is an abandoned Underground tunnel set to explode right beneath Parliament. I need a response team there now."

"Copy that, ma'am."

Y/N hung up the phone, grabbed a gun, and headed downstairs to meet several other agents. They rode together to one of London's fancier hotels, and got into position.

Lord Moran exited his room, looking down the hallway on his way to elevator. He pressed the button several times, getting anxious. The door wouldn't open, and he began pressing repeatedly, panicking.

Y/N cocked the gun, holding it to the back of his head. The other agents came around corners and through doors, pointing their guns at the traitor. Lord Moran dropped his case, and put his hands up.


Mary, John, Sherlock, Y/N, Lestrade, and Mrs. Hudson all gathered in 221B to celebrate the averted attack and John and Mary's engagement. Sherlock excused himself briefly to answer a distress call from Mycroft. Evidently Les Mis was going to kill him. Outside, reporters and camera crews milled about, waiting to hear the story of how Sherlock solved the latest case.

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