Chapter 66: The Spotted Circle

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Y/N moved around the kitchen carefully and quietly. She filled the kettle and set it on the stove, placing it down gently. Sherlock was fast asleep on the other end of the hall, exhausted from a newly solved case and certain activities the night before.

Y/N drew her dressing gown more tightly around her body, fighting off the morning chill as she got ready for work. She moved over to the sofa with her cup of tea and her toast, sitting beside a still sleepy Blue and petting him while she breakfasted.

Movement outside the window caught her attention. A woman dressed all in black strode purposely down the street towards 221B. She paused for a moment outside the door to take a breath, and then rang the bell.

Y/N smiled to herself, getting up and going downstairs to answer the door. Mrs. Hudson peeked out of her flat, the hair on one side of her head smoothed down by sleep.

“A client already? It’s awfully early.” She said.

“I’ll take care of it, Mum. Go back to bed.” Y/N said.

Mrs. Hudson nodded, yawned, and then retreated, deciding to follow her daughter’s advice. Y/N opened the door.

“Hello.” She said.

“Good morning,” The woman said. “I’m looking for Sherlock Holmes.” 

“You’ve come to the right place…”

“Helen.” The woman introduced. “Helen Stoner.”

“Y/N L/N.” Y/N said.

The woman shook her hand, smiling nervously. Helen Stoner looked as if she hadn’t slept much the night before and Y/N could see a punched railway ticket sticking out of the woman’s pocket. She was about Y/N’s age, but her hair was greying at the temples. Her skin was pale and her hands cold. Y/N felt her pulse while they shook hands. It was uncommonly fast.

Y/N opened the door all the way and stepped aside.

“Please, come in.”

Ms. Stoner complied, entering the flat and following Y/N up the stairs to the sitting room.

“Make yourself at home.” Y/N said. “Would you like a cup of tea?”

“That would be lovely, thank you.”

Y/N poured her a cup and brought it over. Blue perked up at the appearance of the visitor, but knew better than to approach a client without permission.

“I’ll be right back.” Y/N said.

Ms. Stoner nodded, taking a careful sip of her tea. She failed to hide the slight tremor in her hand. Y/N walked down the hall to the bedroom.

Sherlock was still asleep, the doorbell having no effect on his slumber. Y/N sat next to him on the bed. She traced her fingers lightly across his back where the blanket had fallen away. Y/N scratched her fingers at the base of his skull, just barely playing with his curls. She heard his breathing change as he became conscious. Y/N leaned down and pressed a kiss to his shoulder.

“Time to wake up, Mr. Holmes.”

He hummed, turning over to blink at her. Sherlock reached for her, grasping her wrist and tugging her down to lay with him.

She laughed, laying down just long enough to press a good morning kiss to his lips before escaping his grip and standing up.

“There’s a client waiting for you in the sitting room.” She said. “She looks like she’s been scared out of her wits.”

Sherlock woke up fully. “Wonderful.”

Y/N chuckled. “Not for her.”

“Yes, yes.” He moved his hand like he was waving her words away.

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